Saturday, October 24, 2020

the fork in the road page 2

 the fork in the road page 2 by ric gustafson

Alvin heard the music coming from the night stand clock. He turned it off. He quietly got up so he would not disturb his wife. He quickly shaved, showered and put on the clothes he was planning on wearing on the plane. He brought down three brown suitcases and put them by the front door. He walked back upstairs to the bedroom. His wife was still asleep. He kissed her on the forehead.
Eleanor woke up. She glanced at the clock. " Is it that time already?".
" The cab will be here shortly". 
" I wish you didn't have to go". She yawned. " It's almost Thanksgiving".
They heard the cab honking.
" Where are you going again?".
" Bay River Resort". He kissed her again. " I will call you when I get there".
She rolled over and went back to sleep.
He walked back downstairs and opened the front door.
" Good morning Sir" replied the driver. He carried the suitcases to the trunk of the cab. 
When Alvin got to the trunk, he noticed a big blue suitcase sitting among the three brown ones. " What is that blue suitcase doing there?".
" I don't know Sir". The driver put the suitcases in the trunk. " It sure is heavy".
Yawning, Alvin got into the cab. He couldn't remember if he had packed three or four suitcases.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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