Saturday, October 31, 2020

Moses page 32

 Moses page 32 by ric gustafson

Nadal, the oldest son of Aaron, ran into his tent. " Father, everyone is worried".
" Why my son?". He looked at his son. " The manna is still coming down from heaven".
Aaron's son Alihu spoke up. " We need a leader". He frowned. " The people are unhappy because Moses and Joshua have not come back".
" The people are bringing their gold and silver to melt down". Nadal frowned. " We need a form of worship that the people will like".
" Father, the people are afraid of Moses's God". Alihu looked at his father. " They are demanding a new leader".
Then, Aaron cried out to the people. " Bring me all the gold that you have".
A large pile was collected. Aaron melted it all down. He formed a golden calf. He proclaimed to the people " here is your God". He built an altar. Animals were sacrificed to the golden calf. 
The entire day, the people worshiped the golden calf.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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