Friday, October 23, 2020

Peter page 9

 Peter page 9 by ric gustafson

Peter ran. He was afraid of the soldiers, Judas and being recognized as a follower of Jesus. Peter ran away with John. They stopped in the open countryside. They knew they had to go back to Jerusalem. They began to walk toward the house of the high priest. John knew someone there, John was let in. Peter had to stay in the courtyard. Guards and servants had lit a fire to warm themselves. First denial was when a servant girl pointed at him and proclaimed that he was with Jesus. Second denial was when another servant girl accused him of being with Jesus. The third denial was when soldiers exclaimed that he was in the garden with the Rabbi. At that moment, Jesus came out. The two looked right at each other. The cock crowed. Jesus was taken away. Peter wept bitterly.

research help: ' Simon called Peter' by Dom Mauro Giuseppe Lepori

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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