Friday, October 23, 2020

Peter page 10

 Peter page 10 by ric gustafson

After he was resurrected, Jesus spent forty days  with the disciples at various times, They did not know when he would all of a sudden appear. Peter wanted to tell Jesus he was sorry for denying him. Eventually, Peter went back to Galilee. One day, Peter went fishing with the others. They caught nothing. A stranger appeared on the shore. He asked if they had caught anything. Peter said no. They cast the nets again. This time they caught many fish. John exclaimed that it must be Jesus. Peter jumped out of the boat and swam to him.
Jesus already had a fire going with fish and bread. He invited them to breakfast. When they finished eating, Jesus stared right at Peter. Jesus asked Peter if he loved him more than these?. Jesus was begging for his love. He told Jesus yes you know that I love you. Jesus told him to feed his lambs. A second time Jesus asked Peter if he loved him?. Peter said yes Lord you know that I love you. Jesus replied tend my sheep. A third time Jesus asked Peter if he loved him?. Peter replied Lord you know everything you know that I love you. Jesus told him to feed his sheep. 
Jesus then told Peter " Follow me". He did.

The End

research help: ' Simon called Peter' by Dom Mauro Giuseppe Lepori

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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