Thursday, October 29, 2020

Moses page 29

 Moses page 29 by ric gustafson

Even though the people had manna, water was very scarce. They came to Rephidim and found no water. The Elders came to Moses. " Moses, the people and the animals are dying of thirst".
" Why are you putting God to the test?". He sighed. " I will pray to God for water".
God spoke to Moses. " Stick your staff against the rock and water will come out".
Moses walked out of the tent. He struck a rock and cool clear water came out of it.
The people danced and sang for joy.
Moses went to talk with the elder of the Elders, " My heart is heavy".
" Why is that my son?".
" We are entering the land of Pan". He frowned. " I'm worried about the people who inhabit this land".
" Yes, the Amalekites". The old man stared at Moses. " They are known for their cruelty".
" They are a powerful people". Moses frowned. " I'm worried".
" Be careful my son".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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