Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Peter page 4

 Peter page 4 by ric gustafson

For the next six days, Peter was quiet. He did not dare ask questions or make observations. Jesus's attitude toward him had not changed. At first it bothered him that Jesus was abrupt with him. Peter knew Jesus loved him. He always asked for forgiveness and made amends for his errors. So far now, Peter was silent.
Six days later, Jesus asked him, James and  John to come with him. They went to the top of a mountain. All of a sudden, two prophets were conversing with him. Peter could not hear what they were saying. Peter asked if he could build booths for them. All of a sudden, a voice said " this is my beloved Son listen to him". As they went back down the mountain, Jesus told them to be silent about what they heard and saw. When they got back to Capernaum, tax collectors were coming around demanding taxes. Jesus told them to go fishing. The first fish they caught had a shekel in it's mouth. They gave that to the tax collectors.

research help: ' Simon called Peter' by Dom Mauro Giuseppe Lepori

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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