Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Moses page 17

 Moses page 17 by ric gustafson

Moses and Aaron were summoned before the elders of Israel.
" Moses, what have you done to us". One of the elders pointed a finger at him. " You are going to kill us all".
" What happened?".
" Because of your request". The elder was yelling. " Pharaoh has ordered us to use no more straw". He began to yell louder. " We still have to produce as many bricks as before".
Distraught, Moses ran out of the tent. He sat down near a tree. He began to pray. " Oh Lord my God". He began to cry. " Did you send me to bring trouble and hardship to your people".
Then Moses heard the voice.
" I am the Lord". The voice spoke with authority. " Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh".
Moses listened intently.
" I will harden his heart". The voice hesitated. " He will not listen to you".
" Oh Lord my God". Moses kept crying. " What can I do?".
" I will send acts of judgment". The voice hesitated again. " He will let my people go".
" Oh Lord my God". Moses smiled. " Mighty is your name".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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