Sunday, October 25, 2020

Moses page 25

 Moses page 25 by ric gustafson

" They are coming" screamed a man as he ran past Moses. " Pharaoh and his chariots are about here".
A woman screamed at Moses. " Why did you lead us here to this place to die?".
Moses stepped onto a rock. " The Lord will fight for you and deliver you". He closed his eyes in prayer. " Precious God, deliver your people".
The voice answered. " Raise your staff and the sea will divide". Terrified people ran by Moses. " Take the people to the other side on dry ground".
Moses raised his staff and the water parted. Moses now instructed the people. " Let us go through the middle of the Sea".
The people carefully walked over the now dry ground. They saw the wall of water on either side.
When the people reached the other side, Pharaoh's chariots had reached the dry ground.
" There are our slaves". He pointed. " Onward".
A man yelled at Moses. " Pharaoh and his army are about upon us".
As the Egyptian army started across, Moses raised his staff. The water closed up the Sea.
Pharaoh, his chariots and his men drowned.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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