Sunday, October 18, 2020

Peter page 7

 Peter page 7 by ric gustafson

After Jesus washed their feet, the disciples did not say anything or ask him any questions. Jesus spoke to them about mutual service. Peter feared being separated from Jesus. He did not want to be rejected from his Master. Then Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. He said it in anguish. The disciples looked at each other. Then Jesus dipped some bread into a dish and hand it to Judas. Then he quietly left. Peter knew then who the betrayer was. Jesus began to talk to them with calm authority. He talked about his Father and love and friendship. Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it and said this is my body. Then he took a cup of wine and said this is my blood of the new covenant shed for the remission of sins. Peter told Jesus that he would lay down his life for him. Jesus replied that this very night he would deny him three times. Then Jesus asked them to leave with him.

research help: ' Simon called Peter' by Dom Mauro Giuseppe Lepori

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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