Sunday, October 18, 2020

Moses page 21

 Moses page 21 by ric gustafson

Jambres stood before Pharaoh. He noticed that his chief magician was covered in boils.
" You summoned me Sire".
" Have you been able to duplicate any of these plagues?".
" My magicians and I have tried to reproduce gnats, flies". He sighed. " Even these boils".
Pharaoh gave his chief magician an angry look.
" Your Highness". He sighed again. " I suggest you let these people before their God destroys us".
" Never". He pointed a finger at the sky. " I am God". He screamed. " I will not let the slaves go".
More plagues came. Hail and locusts who ate all their crops.
Finally, a plague of darkness filled the land. Egypt was dark for three days.
Even though all of these plagues made the Egyptian people grumble and blame Pharaoh, his heart remained hard.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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