Saturday, October 31, 2020

Moses page 34

 Moses page 34 by ric gustafson

Bezalel stood outside Moses's tent.
Caleb walked up. " Moses would like to talk to you".
He entered the tent. He bowed in reverance. " Moses".
" My friend Bezalel". He smiled. " God has an important task for you".
" What task is that?".
" He wants you to build his tabernacle". Moses grinned. " And everything that goes in it".
" I'm unworthy for such a task". He lowered his head in shame. " Surely there must be someone else".
" Also the Ark of Testimony, the Mercy Seat, the table, furniture and the candlestick that goes inside it".
Bezalel could not believe what he was hearing.
Moses hugged him. " God knows you can do it". He went out and told the people. " God has commanded an altar gift of everything you have available".
For months, Bezalel told Moses about his progress with the Ark. He told him about carving out the body of the Ark. He told him about the cabinet containing the two stone tablets. He told him about the covering of the Ark. God specified that two cherubim should be crafted together.

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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