Friday, October 23, 2020

Moses page 23

 Moses page 23 by ric gustafson

Moses and Aaron were walking along a dusty road. They noticed that the people were celebrating and singing. A large pillar of dust was leading them on.
" Moses". Aaron studied the pillar of dust. " Why are we heading toward the Red Sea?".
" God directed me to lead the people along the wide route".
The Elders had stopped walking. They began to rest against a large rock. One of them spoke up. " We need to find out how Moses intends to lead us to this new land".
One of the Elders wiped sweat from his face. " Yes, we need to have a meeting with him".
" I fear that Pharaoh will bring his army". One of the Elders had fear on his face. " And destroy us".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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