Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Moses page 27

 Moses page 27 by ric gustafson

One of the Elders tasted a cup of water from a well. He spat it on the ground.
" Moses, this water is undrinkable". The Elder frowned. " What are we going to do?".
Moses prayed. He brought back some twigs. He threw them into the well. " Drink because God has provided".
The Elder poured a cup. He drank. He smiled. " Praise God".
The people clapped and danced for joy.
Later, Moses had a meeting with the Elders.
An Elder spoke up. " Moses, at first we thought it was only going to be a three day festival".
The Elders stared at Moses.
" We did not realize that we would be walking through this wilderness with hardly any food or water".
" God has provided our needs so far". 
" We want to know exactly what you plan to do".
" The pillar of dust by day and the pillar of fire by night". Moses looked at the Elders. " Will safely guide us to a land flowing with milk and honey".

research help: ' by way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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