Thursday, December 31, 2015

the Great Oz page 4

the Great Oz page 4 by ric Gustafson

" Oh no!" Oscar screamed as he began to pull on the balloon's ropes. Terror entered his eyes as the balloon was heading toward what looked like a tornado funnel. He cut the sandbags loose and cranked up the burner. He was hoping that this would help make the balloon go higher. Wind lashed the basket and rain began to fall. Even with his efforts, the balloon entered the cyclone's funnel.
Oscar sat down at the bottom of the basket as the wind bashed and battered the basket. He heard a strange noise and stood up. He watched in horror as a mailbox and his trailer from the carnival flew by. The trailer hit the basket and the balloon spun up and over itself. Oscar could hear thunder and lightening. The basket felt like it was going to tear apart.
Scared, Oscar sat down in the basket. " Please give me a chance" he screamed out in terror. He began to cry. " I promise I can change".
All of a sudden, the balloon lifted itself out of the funnel. The balloon began to fall fast. Oscar closed his eyes and waited for the crash that would end his life.
All of a sudden, everything went quiet.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

disciples of the Wolf: Heinrich Himmler

disciples of the Wolf: Heinrich Himmler by ric Gustafson

Heinrich Himmler physically did not look like the leader of the SS and head of the Gestapo. He had a puny physique, poor eyesight and a weak constitution. As Reichsfuhrer SS and head of the State Secret Police, his name alone spread fear.
Heinrich was the second of three sons born to a Munich high school teacher. He had a mocking smile which left him isolated and distrustful of people. Himmler first heard Hitler speak in Munich in 1923. In 1929, Himmler became the head of the SS. In December of 1935, Himmler established the Lebensborn programme. He paired his SS  men with racially pure partners to produce perfect Aryan babies.
Toward the end of the war, Himmler discussed surrender terms with the World Jewish Congress. Himmler tried to escape by disguising himself as a sergeant major in the Secret Military Police. He was captured by the British on May 23 1945. When they found out who it was, Himmler swallowed cyanide and was dead within seconds.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 3

the Great Oz page 3 by ric Gustafson

Mavis stared out the window of the trailer. " Oscar, a mob is coming".
He frowned and picked up his magic sheet. " Sorry Mavis, this happens to me all the time".
" Thank you for letting me work with you". She gave him a peck on the cheek. " You better go".
A knock came on the door. " Open up Oscar". The knocks came louder. " Come on out you phony".
Oscar put the sheet over him.
A clown burst through the door. " Mavis, where is he?". He moved toward the sheet.
" Zim Zim Zallah Bim".
The clown reached the sheet. The sheet dropped in front of his eyes. The clown scratched his chin in amazement. Oscar was gone.
" There he is".
Oscar ran between the tents and then toward the circus's hot air balloon's.
As Oscar got into one, the clown put a hand on the balloon's basket. Oscar kicked him in the shin and the clown dropped to the ground.
Oscar took a knife and cut the rope holding the basket to the ground.
The balloon slowly rose up into a dark and stormy Kansas sky.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

walking the narrow path: a success in God's eyes

walking the narrow path: a success in God's eyes by ric Gustafson

When this life on earth is over and we stand before God, all of our accomplishments will be laid bare. The only thing that will matter to God is how we used the abilities, gifts and opportunities that we had. The question is where we want to serve God or ourselves. So how can we be a success in God's eyes?.
First, we must be careful about our relationships. Being with the wrong people could lead us down the wrong path. Second, we must not walk in the counsel of the wicked. We need advice from those who are spiritually wise and mature. Third, we must not stand in the path of sinners. We cannot participate in the practices of sinners. As Christians, we are called to a higher standard. Fourth, we must not sit in the seat of scoffers. We need to stay away from people who ridicule God and his Word.
The rewards from God for being a success in his eyes are numerous. We will be firmly established. We will be abundantly fruitful. We will be prosperous beyond measure.
Praise God.

research help: In Touch June 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 2

the Great Oz page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oscar stared through the flickering torch at the audience. " Watch as my assistant Mavis will rise in her chair into the atmosphere". He put his hands slowly over her. She began to rise.
The audience gasped.
" Arise my dear and float into the sky".
She rose up from the chair and began to float in the air. The chair crashed to the ground.
Oscar could tell the show was going well.
An audience member pointed. " I see a wire".
He grinned. " You must be mistaken sir".
" No, I see a wire". He pointed above Mavis. " See, it's right there".
Oscar tried to calm the audience. " Folks, this is magic". He grinned. " There is no need for wires".
" He's a fake". A woman pointed toward Mavis. " I see a wire too".
Oscar took a knife and cut the wire. Mavis fell into his arms.
" Run Oscar".
They ran out the back flap of the tent.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 28, 2015

the Great Oz page 1

the Great Oz page 1 by ric Gustafson

Oscar Diggs walked down the muddy path toward the circus tent.
" Come Come" bellowed the carnival barker as he pointed toward the open flap. " Come see Miss Betty Lou Gumption the gunslinging sharpshooting beauty".
Oscar walked to the rear of the large tent.
" Come and see the Master of Magic" he said as he pointed at the open tent entrance. " He will astound and amaze you". He hesitated. " Come in to experience the Great Oz".
Oscar entered the small trailer. He heard a female voice.
" Oscar, you only have five minutes to get ready".
" Ok". Five minutes later, he reappeared wearing a turban and a magician's coat.
She straightened the coat and turban. " You look stunning Oscar".
" Thank you Mavis". He smiled. " Do you remember what I want you to do during the act?".
" Of course Oscar".
He opened the door of the trailer. " Let's do it".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

divine standard time: your mark

divine standard time: your mark by ric Gustafson

One day, those in Christ will go home to be with God and Jesus. Those without God will someday go to another place. God wants us to leave a mark as we travel from here to eternity. Only in heaven will we learn the extent of how we left that mark.
First, to leave our mark we can pray. When God calls us home, the influence of our prayers will remain. The second thing we can do to leave our mark is win souls for God. Winning souls for God is the best way to impact eternity. The third thing we can do to leave our mark is to invest in the next generation. We could consul a young person who crosses our path. God can use us for wisdom, faith, hope and a legacy to others. The fourth thing we can do to leave our mark is to use our spiritual gifts.
As we live from here to eternity, let us leave our mark and invest in things eternal.

The End

research help: Turning Points January 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 27, 2015

the wedding at Cana page 2

the wedding at Cana page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesus was having a conversation with his friends.
Mary quietly walked up to him. She spoke softly into his ear. " They have no more wine".
" How does that concern me". Jesus stared at his mother. " My time has not yet come".
Mary turned toward the nearest servant. " Do whatever he tells you".
Jesus noticed six large stone water pots next to a wall. " Fill these jars with water".
The servants gave him a perplexed look. They went and did what he instructed.
They told Jesus when they were done.
" Dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies".
A servant dipped a pitcher into one of the water pots. He walked over to the master of ceremonies. The servant poured from his pitcher into his cup.
The master of ceremonies tasted what was in the cup. He smiled. " Usually a host serves the best wine first". He tasted it again. " But you have kept the best until now".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 26, 2015

the wedding at Cana page 1

the wedding at Cana page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mary smiled as she noticed her son was wearing the tunic that she had woven for him. She was standing by her son and his friends as they watched the wedding procession go by.  The bride was being carried to her husband's house.
To Mary, it looked as if the entire village was in attendance. Harps, flutes and drums were keeping people dancing all night. Much food and wine were being consumed. By the fourth day of the celebration, the wine was flowing less freely.
Mary noticed that one of the servants looked anxious. " What troubles you?".
He showed her two pitchers of wine. " After this we have no more".
" Surely the bridegroom has more wine in his house".
The servant shook his head.
Mary knew that the bridegroom would be ashamed if he ran out of wine for his guests.
" Come and I will speak to my son".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 2

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 2 by ric Gustafson

About fifteen minutes later, a gray haired gray bearded man and some workers walked into the break room.
The workers took paper plates and began to eat the pizza.
The gray bearded man put a slice on a paper plate. " Thanks for bringing the pizza Roger". He glanced at the wall clock. " Would you like to stay quick and have a slice?".
" Ok, but just for a few minutes". He put a slice on a plate and sat next to the old man.
Fifteen minutes later, the workers threw away their trash and went back to work.
Roger took a bite of his pizza. " You guys sure look busy".
" My workers and I are watching my people 24 hours a day seven days a week".
" All the time".
A. G. smiled. " I'm watching my people at all times and in all places".
All of a sudden, Roger heard cheering coming from somewhere in the building. " What was that cheering for?".
" One of my dear ones just repented". He smiled. " We always rejoice when one of my children repent".
Roger looked at the time. " I'd better go". He threw away his trash. " Thanks for the pizza".
" Thank you for bringing it". He laughed. " We're always hungry around here". 
" You're welcome".
" Bless you Roger". He gave him a big hug. " And Happy New Year".
Roger walked back to his car smiling.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 1

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was New Years Eve and Roger Roberson stopped in front of the steel gray building. He checked his piece of paper to make sure he had the right address. It was correct 1510 Stuart Circle. He had been a driver for Heavenly Pizza for three years now and loved it. He could feel the warmth of the three boxes of Ham and Pineapple that he was holding. He walked up the sidewalk to the front door.
He rang the doorbell that sounded like a hymn. The door opened to reveal a young man who was wearing informal work clothes.
Roger smiled. " Heavenly Pizza, we deliver".
" Great" the young man replied. ' Lewis' was on his nametag. " Right this way". He led Roger down a long hallway to a large break room. The room had several tables, refrigerator, sink and vending machines. He pointed toward a nearby counter. " You can put the pizza on here. He smiled. " Can you take a break right now?".
Roger thought for a moment. " I suppose".
" Good". His voice hesitated. " A. G. and the other workers will be here on break shortly".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

it is your destiny page 5

it is your destiny page 5 by ric Gustafson

Starting when we are young, we tell people what we want to be later in life. These plans are serious and they are our dreams. God has given each of us certain abilities and gifts. The problem is that these dreams and plans of ours could take the place of God in our hearts. Idolatry is when something in our life has taken God's place. Jesus should be our first love and we should follow his plan for our life not our own.
God might change our desires and give us better dreams. We must choose either our will or God's will. We must not let our desires become our idols.

research help: ' Discover Your Destiny' by Cary Schmidt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

divine standard time: your voice

divine standard time: your voice by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we feel that it is not a good time to speak out for God. God brings many opportunities for us to speak about him and his son. Jesus and the apostles let their voices be heard many times in different situations. We fear speaking out in public and we think to ourselves what difference can I make.
God uses our obedience and faithfulness to change the future. We do not know the impact of our words but God does. We need to speak boldly for God and leave the rest to him. We need to be careful to speak with grace at all times. When God asks us to speak for him, he gives us the time and the place. We are the voice of God in this sinful world. I pray that we will say yes God I will speak.

research help: Turning Points January 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 5

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 5 by ric Gustafson

I saw the elderly fisherman the day he was crucified. He smiled at me as he was being led to the Vatican Hill.
" Centurion, two guards were baptized this morning".
A crowd had gathered to accompany Peter to the place of execution.
As we walked, the day was clear and calm. Because of his age, the elderly fisherman was not required to carry his cross.
Peter could hear people praying for him.
We arrived at Vatican Hill and then the soldiers began to dig a hole.
Peter looked toward the city for the last time.
At his request, Peter was crucified upside down.
Watching this, tears came down my face. Memories of another execution began to flood my memory. I began to remember.

research help: ' Quo Vadis ' by Henryk Sienkiewicz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

divine standard time: your place

divine standard time: your place by ric Gustafson

According to Mark 9:23, with God all things are possible. To God you are qualified to do his will no matter how old you are in life. Every Christian is qualified to make a difference for God. God can make anybody qualified by his grace to accomplish great things for him. Regardless of our age, ability and availability we qualify to serve God. Psalm 139: 13-16 says that God created us for a purpose. Philippians 1:6 says that God will complete through us what he has called us to do.
We need to stand on God's promises and find our place where we can make a difference for God.

research help: Turning Points January 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

divine standard time: your time

divine standard time: your time by ric Gustafson

As God's children, we have our own time zone. It is called Divine Standard Time. According to Psalm 139:16, we have a God who has planned out our lives, timed out our days and preordained our work. Our time here is brief and we should make each day count. We are here according to God's will and for his purposes. Each day we need to serve him. God has proportioned a certain number of days here on this earth for us to serve him. When we commit ourselves to Jesus, our life changes.
According to Matthew 6: 20, Jesus wants us to lay up treasures in heaven. We need to make each day count and fulfill what Jesus has for us to do for him each day.

research help: Turning Points January 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 4

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 4 by ric Gustafson

I searched for the elderly fisherman to give him a warning. I found him at a house belonging to Miriam. The house was at the edge of the Trans Tiler area of the city. The Apostle recognized me. Timothy, Paul's assistant was with him.
" They want to arrest you and Paul and take you to Mamertine Prison".
Nazarius, a friend of Peter's, led us to a deserted stone quarry.
Those present were trying to convince Peter to escape from Rome.
I spoke up. " I could help you to escape to the Alban Hills". I grinned. " And then I could find a ship to take you to Naples or Sicily".
The elderly fisherman stared at me. " I will not leave my brothers and sisters".
I shook my head in agreement. " As a centurion, I understand".
Peter put a hand on my shoulder. " May his will be done".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Twelve: Malachi

the Twelve: Malachi by ric Gustafson

The prophet Malachi preached reverence to the name of the Lord. He also repeated the call of ' return to me'. According to Malachi 1:6, the Lord rebuked his people for not listening. The prophet proclaimed God's Word. God revealed that people had despised and profaned his name.
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God is unchanging, trustworthy and faithful. The prophet reveals that you cannot hide from God. As God's people we need to return to Jesus who created us, saves us and loves us more than anything else.

The End

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

the Twelve: Zechariah

the Twelve: Zechariah by ric Gustafson

The prophet's message to the people is one of reassurance. This book is the most prophetic of the Twelve. This book speaks about the future. The prophet sends out a call from God for repentance. Then the prophet proclaims the promises of the Lord. This book is filled with hope for today and for eternity. According to Zechariah 14:9, on that day there will be one Lord his name alone will be worshiped.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: God is our Refuge

the glory of Christmas: God is our Refuge by ric Gustafson

We all have dark times in our lives. Those moments when nothing we say or do will change the circumstances. In those troubling times, Jesus offers his comforting presence. God is not only present but also he is approachable and personal. God the Father is for us. God the Son is with us. God the Spirit is in us. Because of this, God is our refuge during the storms of life.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Crazy Horse page 5

I knew Crazy Horse page 5 by ric Gustafson

Grandfather told me another story

It was a hot summer afternoon. Little Hair looked to the west and saw a line of covered wagons coming over a hill. Beside him was his uncle Little Hawk. They watched an endless line of wagons. Little Hair had seen wagons before. The Long Knives used them. Little Hair had never seen so many wagons from end to end.
I asked Grandfather how many wagons had traveled this route. He wasn't sure. His guess was that possibly three hundred and fifty thousand people had traveled this Oregon Trail.
" Where did those wagons come from?".
" They started in Missouri, went through here and ended up in California or Oregon".
" Then what happened?".
" Some people stayed". He gave a long sigh. " Some forced our people off of our land".
" Did Crazy Horse try to stop them?".
Grandfather grinned. " He tried".
We traveled to a historic site called Fort Laramie.
" Grandfather, why are we here?".
He smiled. " I will tell you another story".

research help: ' In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 21, 2015

the glory of Christmas: the assurance of God's love

the glory of Christmas: the assurance of God's love by ric Gustafson

God loves us. He is the Creator of the universe and our Designer. He is the Author of salvation. He is the ultimate victory over sin, death and pain. God sits above the universe. God is our Help and our Deliverer. We cannot comprehend the love God has for us. God's love is from the cradle in Bethlehem to the cross in Jerusalem. God knows all of our ways and nothing is hidden from his sight. All of our secrets, shame, thoughts and motives are laid bare before God. God saved us because he wanted to. He is our life long friend and we can talk and he will listen.
The assurance is that God loves us more than anything else in the world.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 20, 2015

the return of E Scrooge page 3

the return of E Scrooge by ric Gustafson

Scrooge walked through the front door of Scrooge and Cratchit.  He spotted his nephew working away in a ledger.
" Nephew, you should take tomorrow off".
He studied his ledger. " I will be back the next morning, an hour earlier". He put on his coat and opened the door to leave.
" Merry Christmas Nephew". Scrooge put on his coat, turned off the lights, walked out and locked the door. He began to walk down dark streets. After a while, he stopped at the front door of his home. The front door had a huge knocker. He unlocked the door and walked into a large foyer. He put his coat on a coat rack and then began to climb some stairs up to a second story. At the top of the stairs was a sitting room, bedroom and lumber room.
His sitting room included French polished tables, tables, chairs and bedspreads.
What was strange about tonight was that he saw his old partner Jacob Marley in the front door knocker.

research help: ' The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge' by Charlie Lovett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 19, 2015

the return of E Scrooge page 2

the return of E Scrooge page 2 by ric Gustafson

Scrooge noticed the two men approaching. They were dressed in black. One held a silver handled walking stick.
Scrooge smiled. " Merry Christmas".
" Hello Mr Scrooge" Mr Portly said. " I'm glad we are meeting now".
" Yes indeed" replied Mr Pleasant.
Scrooge shook their hands. " I hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer day".
" Mr Scrooge, we are here to discuss your accounts at the bank".
Ebenezer smiled. " I hope my contributions to charities has been going ok".
Both men frowned at Ebenezer. " Mr Scrooge, more money is coming out of your accounts for charity than is going in".
Ebenezer looked at the summer sun. " Just because it is the dead of summer does not mean that charity should end".
Both men stared at the other in disbelief.
Ebenezer began to walk away. " Merry Christmas gentlemen".

research help: ' The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge' by Charlie Lovett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: the Comforter

the glory of Christmas: the Comforter by ric Gustafson

The Comforter is one name for the person of the Holy Spirit. Other names include the Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. We are Christians because we received Christ Jesus as Lord. The Holy Spirit energizes us, motivates us, keeps us going, comforts us, calms us and fills our minds.
Jesus promised a Helper the Spirit of truth. Romans 8:14 says for all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. The Holy Spirit helps us in three ways. First, it helps us inwardly using the fruits of the Spirit. Second, it helps us upwardly using prayer. Third, it helps us outwardly by using God's love into our hearts.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of E Scrooge page 1

the return of E Scrooge page 1 by ric Gustafson

Ebenezer Scrooge walked into his office. His nephew Freddie was sitting at a table working on numbers.
Scrooge smiled. " Merry Christmas nephew".
He gave him a startled look. " Uncle, right now I don't have time for Christmas".
" What do you mean no time for Christmas?".
Freddie shook his head. " Right now I'm trying to keep you financially afloat". He showed him his ledger. " You're poor enough".
" Nephew, I'm poor because I choose to be so". He smiled. " So again I say Merry Christmas".
" But Uncle it is summer not Christmas".
" I know". He smiled. " I choose to be happy and giving all year long".
" Your sentiments are admirable Uncle" Freddie exclaimed as kept working in the ledger. " But I have bills to pay and this ledger to balance".
Scrooge put on his muffler. " May I come dine with you and your family tomorrow?".
" We do not have much food to spare".
" I do not eat much". He opened the door to leave. " Merry Christmas nephew".

research help: ' The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge' by Charlie Lovett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 18, 2015

the Twelve: Haggai

the Twelve: Haggai by ric Gustafson

The prophet Haggai proclaimed that it was time to rebuild the Lord's temple. The prophet hoped that the people would repent and get their minds off of themselves and pay attention to the Lord. We need to examine ourselves before the Lord. When it is revealed where we fall short, hopefully we will turn back to God. The people were working on their own works and forgetting the Lord.
The prophet is reminding the people that everything they have belongs to the Lord. We need to return to the Lord and consider the one who gives us everything.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the Centurion page 3

Flavius Artemis the Centurion page 3 by ric Gustafson

The next time I encountered the elderly fisherman, he was in a vineyard's wind shed. He was praying by lamplight with other believers.
They were chanting a litany. " Christ have mercy on us".
Peter was kneeling in front of a wooden cross.
People were raising their hands upward. " Christ have mercy".
Peter could see the weariness in their eyes. " Raise your hearts to Jesus and offer him your tears".
Someone yelled. " Who will protect us from Nero?".
" Why do you complain?". His voice hesitated. " You people of little faith".
" Tell us" yelled the crowd.
" I speak to you in the name of Jesus the Christ". He grinned. " Let your hearts be inflamed with Jesus the Christ".
People yelled " Amen".
" Go to victory in his name".
Memories of the Skull came back.

research help: ' Quo Vadis' by Henryk Sienkiewicz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: adopted children of the King

the glory of Christmas: adopted children of the King by ric Gustafson

God came up with a new plan and a new player. That player was Jesus God's Son. God's plan for salvation was not a one time event for a believer. It is a life time process of power, love and the fulfillment of a plan. We have been called into a relationship with Jesus. We can enjoy our status as the adopted children of God or we can neglect what is ours. As God's children, the truth must move into our hearts and impact our lives.
God will reward us now and for eternity.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

disciples of the Wolf: Amon Goeth

disciples of the Wolf: Amon Goeth by ric Gustafson

Amon Goeth was born on December 11 1908 in Vienna Austria. His nickname was the ' Nazi Butcher'. He earned this nickname because he enjoyed killing. In 1942, he was assigned to round up and transport Jews to Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor. He did such a good job that he was appointed the commandant of Krakow- Plaszow labour camp in spring 1943. This camp was populated by survivors of the Krakow ghetto.
As commandant, he was given full reign to do as he pleased. He killed prisoners by shooting them with a high powered rifle. He would set his two dogs on prisoners. Goeth was a psychopath who relished the power over life and death. He killed prisoners just for displeasing him.
In September 1944, he was charged with depriving prisoners of food and was confined to an asylum. After the war, Goeth was arrested and tried by the Poles. He was hanged for war crimes not far from the Krakow camp where his horrible crimes were committed.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 17, 2015

the glory of Christmas: victory in life

the glory of Christmas: victory in life by ric Gustafson

Matthew chapter 5 talks about a reconstruction of the heart. We are poor in spirit and then we mourn. And then we realize that we are meek. Then we hunger and thirst for his presence. As we become more like Jesus, we change. We are more merciful, we are more pure in heart, we are more like peace makers.
Jesus had a victory over the power of sin and death. So how do we have victory in life?. This victory is lived out day by day hour by hour. We need to break sinful patterns in our life and seek to obey God. God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The strength to overcome and have victory in life is a gift from God.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the promises of Christmas: hope

the promises of Christmas: hope by ric Gustafson

In a world of diseases, poverty and terrorism, hope is hard to come by. We are reminded that being followers of Jesus, we have hope. Luke 2:14 says that there is peace and a good hope given to the sons of men. Even with life's storms all around us, we will experience the untold blessings of God. Every gift God gives us is good and perfect. God is the Father of Lights who shines upon us from heaven. God never changes and we can rejoice in that fact.

research help: ' The Story of Christmas' by Broadstreet

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 3

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 3 by ric Gustafson

I saw row after row of everything you could think of. " What is all this stuff?".
" I opened the museum to show people my treasures". He smiled at me. " Here I'll show you".
He walked over to a shelf and picked up an old waffle iron. " My mother made the best waffles".
Doris walked over to an old tractor that was in a corner. " Jack, my father had a tractor just like this".
Jack saw an old bible on a nearby table. " Looking at this stuff reminds me of Matthew 6".
Bob grinned. " Somebody showed me that a long time ago".
Jack picked up the bible and turned it to the book of Matthew. " This chapter talks about not hoarding treasures but stockpiling treasure in heaven".
Bob grinned at Jack. " I'll tell you what I told him".
" What's that?".
" I enjoy having my treasures with me".
A voice came from the house. " Bob, it's time to eat".
He smiled. " Well, I better lock up".
After we left the barn, he locked it up.
" Thanks for coming and looking at my museum". He shook my hand and then walked into the house.
As Doris and I left to continue our journey back home,  I pondered Matthew 6.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings, Love Ric

the free gift page 12

the free gift page 12 by ric Gustafson

" Tony the Tiger" Kirby asked as everyone was sitting by the large Christmas tree. " Will you help me pass out the presents?".
" Grreat!".
Kirby and Duncan passed out the presents. When they were done, the only gift under the tree was the red and white decorative box.
" Duncan, that last gift goes to your Uncle Mark".
The four year old smiled and then handed the box to his Uncle.
Mark gave Kirby a strange look.
Everyone opened their gifts. The wrapping paper flew.
Mark opened his gifts and then stopped when he got to the decorative box.
" What is this Kirby?".
" It's a free gift" he replied with a smile. " It's from my boss".
Mark opened the decorative box and then took out the small card. It said on it ' Eternal Life'.
" Merry Christmas Mark".
That night, Mark pondered those two words that were on that small card.
Sitting at his worktable, Jesus smiled.

The End

research help: original story

Merry Christmas to all, Love Ric

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

the Twelve: Zephaniah

the Twelve: Zephaniah by ric Gustafson

The prophet Zephaniah preached and rejoiced in God's forgiveness. He preached that people would repent and not wait. Zephaniah 2: 2-3 said gather before judgment begins. God delivered a prophecy to the people through Zephaniah.
God did not want his followers mixing with world religions. God is one and faith in him cannot be mixed with anything. The prophet warned God's people to act now. Zephaniah 3:17 says the Lord your God un your midst. The Mighty One will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:12 says that on that day, God promises to gather the redeemed and bring them home. They shall trust in the name of the Lord.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2 by ric Gustafson

I drove up a long hill and then noticed a small yellow farmhouse. It was surrounded by a white picket fence. I stopped the car in the large snowy driveway. A sign in the front yard said ' The Bob Lewis Museum come on in". Doris and I got out and walked up to a screen door. I knocked.
A big burly man wearing coveralls opened the door. " Hi, I'm Bob Lewis".
" Hi". Doris smiled. " My wife and I saw your sign and was curious about your museum".
" Great". He shook my hand. " That it'll be two dollars to see it".
I opened my wallet and handed him two ones.
" Follow me, my museum is outside in my barn".
" Would you like a Christmas cookie?". He took one off a nearby tray.
" No thanks" was my reply. " I'm diabetic".
We walked out the screen door and across to a red barn. He opened the latch on the door and slowly opened it. He turned on the inside lights.
My jaw dropped.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 11

the free gift page 11 by ric Gustafson

The day before Christmas

Kirby watched as the last of the decorative boxes rolled down the conveyor belt. He turned off the belt and put the last box on top of the worktable. He put a label on it and then took the top off. He put a small card inside and then closed it back up. He put it on a pallet and then finished wrapping it.
His young boss walked in. " It's 5:00 Kirby".
" I just finished the last pallet".
" Kirby" Jesus said as he patted his shoulder. " Thank you for helping me with my Christmas shipments".
Kirby smiled. " Just doing my job". He walked over to turn off the work lights.
" One more thing". Jesus opened up a work drawer and took out a decorative box.
Kirby gave him a puzzled stare. " I'm sorry, I thought I had put all the boxes on the pallet".
Jesus grinned as he held up the box. " I was saving this one". He looked at Kirby with love in his eyes. " Kirby, is your brother going to be there tonight?".
" Yes, he is".
Jesus handed the box to Kirby. " Please give this gift to your brother from me".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 14, 2015

the free gift page 10

the free gift page 10 by ric Gustafson

" Well, look who's here" said Mark as he and Evelyn worked on a snowman.
She packed heavy snow to make an arm. " I'm going in".
Mark put a carrot in the snowman as his nose. " So how is the gift wrap business?". He gave a snicker. " From California wealth to decorative boxes".
" I did not get wealthy".
He stared at his brother. " What happened to that Internet company you invested in while I took care of Mom?".
" The company did well for a couple of years" Kirby said as he packed more snow unto the snowman. " Eventually the company had to fold and I lost almost everything".
" Well little brother" Mark replied as he put two coals in the head for some eyes. " While you were living your life in California, I was here taking care of Mom".
" I did not know you felt that way".
Mark began to walk toward the house. " Well, I do".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 1

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 1 by ric Gustafson

Jack McCloud looked at the speedometer. " Honey, I think we should fill the gas tank".
Doris McCloud looked up from the map she was studying. " Why is that?".
" There is not a gas station for miles and I'm worried it's going to snow again before we get home".
" That's fine" she replied with a smile. " I don't want to get stranded in this weather".
They drove by a sign. " There's a town coming up".
The exit sign came up and Jack got off the Interstate. He turned left and shortly after came up to the entrance to the town. As they entered Main Street, he noticed a small sign. It simply said ' Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum".
Doris grinned. " That's a strange name for a museum".
" That sign has made me curious" Jack said as he glanced at the fuel gauge. He noticed a service station on the right. " Let's fill up and then stop at this museum on our way out of town".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 13, 2015

the disciples of the Wolf: Magda Goebbels

the disciples of the Wolf: Magda Goebbels by ric Gustafson

Magda Goebbels acted in public as the First Lady of the Nazi party. In private she was hurt and unhappy by her husband's numerous affairs. When she found out about his affair with Lida Baarova who was a Czech film star, she was furious. She went to Hitler and asked his permission to divorce him. Hitler did not want a scandal and forced him to end the affair. She remained in the marriage only for the sake of their children.
She spent as much time away from her husband as possible. She suffered from heart murmurs and neuralgia attacks.
Hitler tried to convince Magda to take the children and escape. She refused and was determined to die by her husband's side. The day after Hitler's suicide, she had Dr Helmut Kunz administer a morphine injection to the children so they would sleep. Then she went into their room in the Bunker and put a poison capsule into their mouths and crushed them. Later outside in the Reich Chancellery garden, Josef shot his wife in the back of the head and then killed himself.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Crazy Horse page 4

I knew Crazy Horse page 4 by ric Gustafson

Grandfather took me to the edge of a river. " This is called the North Platte River". He smiled. " Our people called it the Shell River". He pointed to some deep ruts near the edge. " Thousands of wagons caused that".
" Why is that?".
" This was part of the Oregon Trail".
" It was!".
" Yes". His voice hesitated. " The Lakota called this the Shell River Road".
I looked around. " Was Crazy Horse here?".
" Yes, he was".
I smiled. " Grandfather, please tell me what Light Hair thought as he watched all those wagons go by".
" Ok". He smiled at me. " It was the summer of 1852".

research help: ' In the footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Twelve: Habakkuk

the Twelve: Habakkuk by ric Gustafson

The prophet Habakkuk preached about woe and prayer for revival. God does not owe us anything. We deserve his judgment yet God gives us grace his undeserved favor. God permits evil in order to reveal man's heart. In Habakkuk 1: 12-13, the prophet accepts God's pronouncement and praises him. In Habakkuk 2: 6-19, the Lord issues five woes. In Habakkuk 3:2, the prophet prays for revival. In Habakkuk 3: 8-13,18 the prophet declares his trust in the Lord and invites others to remember God's mercy and abiding love.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: freedom from guilt

the glory of Christmas: freedom from guilt by ric Gustafson

It is hard to believe that we are eternally debt free. Because our faith is small we are forgiven a little. God wants to forgive all our sin and give us a clean slate. When the grace of God is embraced, forgiveness flourishes. When we are in grace, we can give grace.
We will face temptations and difficult times. Our strength may fail and our faith may waver. But we have hope. Jesus intercedes for us with the Father. Jesus is victorious over death and sin. Jesus will bring us victory.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 9

the free gift page 9 by ric Gustafson

Two weeks before Christmas

Kirby was putting wrapping around a pallet of decorative boxes.
" How are the pallets coming Kirby?".
" Ok". He did not look up.
The young man handed Kirby a cup of coffee. " Why don't you take a break".
They sat down at a worktable.
" You seem distracted today".
" I'm not getting along with my brother" he said as he sipped from his coffee. " It's bothering me a lot".
The young man sipped from his cup. " You need to pray to my Father for guidance and assurance".
Kirby gave him a confused stare. " Your Father?".
" Then you need to confront your brother and tell him how you feel".
Kirby sighed. " Ok, I'll try it".
" Good" Jesus said as he got up from the table. " Now let's get these boxes ready".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 12, 2015

the Twelve: Nahum

the Twelve: Nahum by ric Gustafson

The prophet Nahum's message was revenge on evil. The prophet talks about God stirring the clouds. Nahum was called by God to give a message to Nineveh. 150 years had passed since Jonah's message. God's anger was a holy anger which is pure and righteous. Nahum 1:3 says that God is slow to anger. Nahum preached that God would take revenge on evil. In Nahum 1:3-5, the prophet uses imagery such as clouds, whirlwinds and storms.
God has been very patient to us. Nahum 1:14 says to the people not to turn back to sin but they do. Nahum 1:15 gives a promise of someone whose feet will bring good tidings. Also this someone will proclaim peace.

research help: ' Where I Am ' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 8

the free gift page 8 by ric Gustafson

The decorative box came down the conveyor belt. Kirby put a label on it and then opened the box. He put a little card inside and then sealed it up for shipping. His young boss stuck his head inside the door. " How's it going Kirby?".
" Fine".
" Kirby, you have visitors".
" I wonder who that is" he muttered as he stopped the belt. He walked into the office. As he walked in, a four year old boy jumped into his arms. " Uncle Kirby, ask me how I am today".
" How are you today Tony the Tiger?".
" Grreat".
" I just wanted to see where you work now" Mark said as he glanced around the room. He grinned and then walked out.
" He doesn't like me anymore".
" Yes he does" Evelyn replied as Duncan sat down in a chair. " He's just jealous".
" Jealous?".
" Yes, you were able to leave home and pursue your dreams".
" I came back because of my unfilled dreams".
She sighed. " At least you had the opportunity".
" Mark did not have that opportunity".
" He's just jealous because he had to stay and take care of Mom".
Kirby glanced at the clock on the wall. " Sis, I need to get back to work".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 11, 2015

the free gift page 7

the free gift page 7 by ric Gustafson

The young man led Kirby into a sparse workroom. A long steel table was set up next to a conveyor belt. He pointed at something near the belt. " This is the switch to turn it on".
Kirby could hear voices coming from a different room. " What are those voices?".
" I have people back there who put my decorative boxes together". He turned on the rest of the room's lights on. He turned on the switch. A red and white decorative box came down the belt. " First, I want you to put a label on that says ' free gift'.  He walked over to the table and picked up a stack of little cards. He handed them to Kirby. " Then I would like you to put a little card into each box".
Kirby glanced at what was on the small card. It simply read ' eternal life'. He gave the young man a perplexed look. " You want me to put just this small card into each box".
" That's it" Jesus replied with a smile. He turned on the switch. " Shall we begin".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Twelve: Micah

the Twelve: Micah by ric Gustafson

The prophet Micah gives a declaration to God's people. Micah 1: 2-3 says look the Lord is coming. At the time, the land was polluted with idols, corruption was everywhere and the Lord had been ignored. The fact is, when Jesus returns the earth will be the same way.
Micah 2:1 says woe to those who devise iniquity. In Micah 3, the prophet calls out the rulers and hold them accountable. The good news is that when Jesus returns, all evil will be destroyed. Micah 4:3 says nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Micah 6, the prophet declares what the Lord requires of his people. Micah 6:8 says we are to do what is right to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 10, 2015

the glory of Christmas: forgiveness of sins

the glory of Christmas: forgiveness of sins by ric Gustafson

When we confess our sins, we invite God into our hearts. Our heart needs to be cleared. When we confess our sins, we seek pardon from God. If we are in Jesus, our sins will be filtered, hidden and screened out by the sacrifice of Jesus. When God looks at us, he sees his Son. Our victory is secured.
According to I John 5:4, whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 6

the free gift page 6 by ric Gustafson

Kirby walked into the store at exactly 8 am. His new boss had just finished making a fresh pot of coffee.
" Morning Kirby" the young man said. He opened a nearby cupboard and took out two mugs. " I appreciate that you are right on time on your first day".
Kirby yawned. " Thanks".
The young man poured some coffee into a cup that said ' P.O.P' on it. " Would you like a cup?".
" Sure" was his reply. He took off his coat and put it on a nearby coat rack.
The young man poured some coffee into a cup and handed it to Kirby. " Black no sugar".
Kirby took the mug and gave the young man a puzzled stare. " That's right, how did you know that?".
" I know a lot about you" Jesus exclaimed as he opened the door to walk into the shop. " Shall we?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I knew Crazy Horse page 3

I knew Crazy Horse page 3 by ric Gustafson

Grandfather told me the story

Light Hair and other Lakota boys were riding their horses over several hills. They had been hunting antelope and deer with bows and arrows. Light Hair was slender, had two dark brown braids and had lighter skin than the others.
At the edge of the village, they noticed smoke. As they came close, they noticed that the whole village was on fire. Lodges, lodge poles everything was on fire. Light Hair and the others could see Long Knives in the distance. Long Knives were the soldiers of the white people. They were afraid because Long Knives killed any Lakota they saw.
All of a sudden, Long Hair heard someone moaning. He found a woman named Yellow Woman next to a small mound of dirt. Crying, she told him that Long Knives killed villagers including her husband  and her baby. They left the burned out village and found a camp where survivors of the attack had gathered. After two days, Light Hair left the camp to find his family.

research help: ' In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Josef Goebbels

the disciples of the Wolf: Josef Goebbels by ric Gustafson

As a child Josef Goebbels was shunned by other children because of his physical deformity. At the age of seven, he was diagnosed with an inflammation of the bone marrow. An operation for this left him with a club foot and a permanent limp. He became withdrawn and sarcastic and had a sharp tongue toward others.
The one skill that he was very good at was public speaking. He believed in himself and his cynicism. He achieved success by sheer willpower and a complete lack of scruples. Despite his deformity, he was a serial seducer of women especially young actresses.
The first time Goebbels heard Hitler speak in June 1922, he was hooked. He declared that National Socialism was a religion. He declared that Hitler was a religious genius who put new religious practices into use. Goebbels wish was that National Socialism would become the religion of all Germans. He declared that the Party was his church and that Hitler was his gospel.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 5

the free gift page 5 by ric Gustafson

Kirby wondered how the young man knew his name and that he lived in California.
" Uncle Kirby".
He turned to see his four year old nephew smiling and holding a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
" Do you know what Tony the Tiger thinks of smashed potatoes?".
Kirby took a bite of sweet potatoes. " What does Tony the Tiger think of them?".
" Their Grreat".
Kirby smiled.
" So little brother" Mark asked as he put some butter on a dinner roll. " What actually happened with that Internet company you invested in?".
" Boys it's Thanksgiving" Helen quietly replied. She took a bite of cranberry sauce and then wiped her mouth with a napkin. " Kirby will tell us when he's ready".
Evelyn took a sip of water. " Kirby, what 's the name of your new employer?".
" Heaven's Gift Wrap".
" Gift wrap" Mark exclaimed with a loud snicker. " What kind of job is that?".
Helen shook her head. " Kirby, when do you start?".
" Tomorrow".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: the gift of salvation

the glory of Christmas: the gift of salvation by ric Gustafson

God's plan of salvation was formed since time began. Only God could devise such a compelling yet  costly plan. Only God would be willing to let his sinless Son become our perfect and acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the whole human race.
Jesus submitted himself to this eternal plan. He allowed himself to be nailed to a cross and be mocked because of our sins. By doing this, the trail of salvation was set.
God gave his Son authority and power over all creation. Jesus humbled himself and died on a cross for the sins of mankind. Jesus came, died and satisfied his Father's demands on sin. All we need to do is claim his grace by accepting this free gift of salvation. This free gift is eternal life with God.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I knew Crazy Horse page 2

I knew Crazy Horse page 2 by ric Gustafson

I had been to Rapid City many times. It was a large town on the northeastern edge of the Black Hills. Those hills were the only mountains in South Dakota. I enjoyed standing on Bear Butte. It stood northwest of Rapid City near the town of Sturgis. It was called Bear Butte because from the south it resembled a bear lying on it's stomach. It was a sacred place to the Lakota.
Grandfather was told that Crazy Horse was born along nearby Rapid Creek. Crazy Horse probably stood on Bear Butte. Grandfather took me to Ash Hollow State Historical Park south of Chadron Nebraska. Grandfather told me that Crazy Horse had been here around 1855. At the time, he was twelve or thirteen. I asked Grandfather why he had been here. He told me the story.

research help: ' In the footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Reinhard Heydrich

the disciples of the Wolf: Reinhard Heydrich by ric Gustafson

Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich had blond hair, blue eyes and Nordic features. He was cold blooded efficient and was Himmler's second in command. Heydrich was raised a Catholic. His father founded a musical conservatory and his mother was a professional pianist. He blamed the troubles of his upbringing on the Jews. He became quiet and withdrawn and put his energy into athletics. After school, he enlisted in the navy and was discharged in 1931. He applied to join the growing SS and was noticed by Heinrich Himmler.
Himmler asked Heydrich to start a new security service called the SD which would be independent of the Gestapo. He excelled and was promoted to Brigadier General in two years. On January 20 1942, Heydrich gathered top Nazi officials to a villa in Wannsee. At this meeting was the planning and implementation of a Hermann Goering order. This order gave the go ahead for the rounding up, transportation and extermination of eleven million Jews in Europe.
Heydrich was promoted by Hitler to be the Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. On the morning of May 27 1942 as Heydrich was being driven in a open topped Mercedes, two Czech OSS agents ambushed his vehicle and mortally wounded him. Heydrich died from blood poisoning.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the glory of Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ

the glory of Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ by ric Gustafson

The night that Jesus came was ordinary. The sky, the stars, the clouds were ordinary. It was a beautiful night but ordinary. The sheep were ordinary, the shepherds that night were ordinary.
Then the ordinary black night became bright from a star in the sky. Sheep became curious and shepherds rubbed their eyes and looked up. This night was not ordinary any longer.
God did the unthinkable. He removed his robe of light and wrapped himself in human skin. He entered a dark wet womb. He was nestled in the placenta of a peasant girl. He came out on a cold night and then slept on cow's hay.
You say who is this Jesus?.
The question is who do you say he is?.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 4

the free gift page 4 by ric Gustafson

Duncan finished the crayon drawing and handed it to his favorite uncle. " Here Uncle Kirby". He handed him the drawing. " I drew this for you".
" Thank you Tony the Tiger" he replied as he gave him a big hug. " I will keep this forever".
" Tony the Tiger, what are you doing?" asked a young woman who was wearing a large grey sweatshirt and gray workout pants. Just then, she turned her head to see her youngest brother sitting in a chair. " Long time no see".
" Happy Thanksgiving big sister" Kirby replied as he stood up. " I have missed seeing your happy smile".
" I knew you could not miss this Thanksgiving" she said with a smile. Duncan got into her lap and closed his eyes. " Mom and I prayed that you would come back".
" Well, look who's here" replied a young man who sat down with a scowl on his face. " The prodigal son has come home".
Kirby did not stand up to greet his older brother. " Good to see you too Mark".
" So did you spend all of your money or just the majority of it?".
" Please be nice" Helen said as she stared at her three children. " Kirby just got here".
" How long are you staying this time little brother?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Crazy Horse page 1

I knew Crazy Horse page 1 by ric Gustafson

This is my story.

I lived along the Smoking Earth River. I lived on the Northern edge of the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation. I was different because I had blue eyes and light brown hair. My name was three parts Lakota and one part white. Sometimes my parents spoke Lakota. My grandparents had a horse ranch twenty miles out of town. I enjoyed resting the horses along Horse Creek.
My Grandfather would tell me about Crazy Horse who in his mind was the greatest Lakota warrior. He told me that my great great Grandfather was born in 1860. He told my Grandfather that Crazy Horse had light skin and brown hair. He also told him that as a boy Crazy Horse was nicknamed ' Light Hair'.

research help: ' In the footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 7, 2015

the free gift page 3

the free gift page 3 by ric Gustafson

Helen McGhee listened to the quiet tick tock of the grandfather clock. She enjoyed reading from her bible in the early morning and today was no different. It was the morning of Thanksgiving and she was up early to get the turkey ready. She was about to doze off in her chair when she heard a key in the front door. She heard the door open and somebody standing in the entryway.
She smiled. " Kirby".
" Happy Thanksgiving Mom" he said quietly. He walked over and gave her a peck on a cheek. " I'm glad to see you".
She clutched her small hands into his. " I just prayed that you would come". She grinned. " God answered my prayer". She looked at her youngest son. " You look thin, have you been eating alright?".
" I'm doing fine Mom". He unzipped his coat. " I would not miss today for anything".
" Uncle Kirby" squealed four year old Duncan Evans who was wearing Tony the Tiger pajamas. He ran up to his uncle and hugged his knees.
" And how is Tony the Tiger doing today?".
He jumped for joy. " Grreat!".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Hermann Goering

the disciples of the Wolf: Hermann Goering by ric Gustafson

Hermann Goering was born on January 12 1893 in Rosenheim Bavaria. Hermann Goering surrendered to the 36th Infantry Division near Radstadt Austria on May 7 1945. He was traveling with twenty vehicles, his wife, his daughter, his sister in law, his chef, valet and others. In total about 75 people. By 1937, Goering was addicted to codeine, pain killers and cough tablets. He weighed over 300 pounds and had sent his senior aide to negotiate his surrender to the Americans.
Goering was the fourth of five children. In the first World War, Goering was a member of Richthofen's JG1 squadron. He married Carin Von Krantzow in 1923. He joined the Nazi party in 1922 in order to fight the communists. He participated in the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. In 1926, he became Hitler's second in command. He was appointed President of the Reichstag in 1932. He founded the Gestapo and came up with the idea for the concentration camps.
He became famous for looting paintings and works of art. He was sentenced to death at the Nuremberg trials on four counts. Those counts were conspiracy to wage war, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He escaped being hung by a noose by committing suicide in his cell on October 15 1946.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

the free gift page 2

the free gift page 2 by ric Gustafson

Kirby stood outside the front door of the shop. The want ad and the plain white sign above said ' Heaven's Gift Wrap". He opened the door to reveal a sparse reception area that contained a solitary steel desk in the right hand corner. A simple file cabinet had a coffee pot on top that was percolating. He walked up to a wooden table and rang a bell for assistance.
From an open doorway to the back came a young man wearing a white sweatshirt, white workout pants and pure white sneakers.
" Hello Kirby" he said with a smile as he pointed to an empty chair next to the desk. " Please, have a seat".
Kirby sat down in the chair. " How did you know my name is Kirby?".
" I met you a long time ago when you were a young man growing up".
He gave him a puzzled stare. " Sorry I don't remember that". He handed him the want ad.
" You are interested in a job".
" I sure am". He glanced around the room. " I've been gone for a long time but have decided recently to come home".
" I bet it wasn't easy living in California". He grinned as he took an employment form from a desk drawer.
" No it wasn't". He stared again at the young man. " How did you know I lived in California?".
Jesus smiled as he handed him the form. " Are you still interested in the job?".
" I sure am". He signed the form.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

never never never: Never Goodbye

never never never: Never Goodbye by ric Gustafson

When a loved one passes away we do not want to say goodbye. In heaven, we will never say goodbye. In our eternal home, God will wipe away all of our tears and death will be no more. There will be no more sorrow, crying or pain. The Apostle Paul tells us not to sorrow as others who have no hope. Because we believe in Jesus, we will always be with him. In Jesus our goodbyes will be hellos and our separation into reunion.
Right now we live in a world of sorrow, sin and separation. We love deeply so we hurt badly. The pain can be unendurable. Jesus in John 14 tells us to not let our hearts be troubled. He tells us that he is going to prepare a place for us. He also tells us that he is coming again to take us home. God tells us about heaven throughout his Word.
Praise God that we will be in his presence forever.

The End

research help: Turning Points August 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 3

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jack in the box looked at the other ornaments. " We are on that tree to represent gifts that the wise men brought for the baby".
Woof Woof the baby Jesus
Jack in the box bounced up and down. " That's right".
" Now I'm beginning to understand" exclaimed one of the sand dollars. " We had been on that tree for so long".
" Long, you call that long".
" Miss Gulch, please".
" Why, you've only just begun".
Jack in the box shook his head at the woman on the bike with a basket on the back. " So let's get back on that tree and remember why we are here for".
" Who killed my sister?". Miss Gulch exclaimed. " Was it you?".
" Why are we here for?".
" The real meaning of Christmas is that baby Jesus came to save us".
With joy in their hearts, the ornaments picked up their hooks and ran to get on that Christmas tree.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the cost of 12 days of christmas

the cost of 12 days of Christmas by ric Gustafson

The total cost of the 12 days of Christmas would be $ 34,131. That is 0.6 percent more than 2014. Why is that?. Partridge prices went up because they are popular as gourmet food. Turtle doves were more expensive because of higher grain prices. The 2014 price was $ 33,934

Partridges were $ 25 up from $ 20 last year
A Pear tree was $ 190 up from $ 188
Two turtle doves $ 290 up from $ 260
Three French hens $ 182 no change
Four calling birds $ 600 no change
Five gold rings $ 750 no change
Six geese a laying $ 360 no change
Seven swans a swimming $ 13,125 no change
Eight maids a milking $ 58 no change
Nine ladies dancing $ 7,553 no change
Ten lords a leaping $ 5,508 up from $ 5,348
Eleven pipers piping $ 2,635 no change
Twelve drummers drumming $ 2,855 no change

These gifts at Christmas. Priceless

research help: A World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 30, 2015

never never never: Never Forgotten

never never never:  Never Forgotten by ric Gustafson

To God there is only one thing. That everything done in the name of his son Jesus has eternal value. When we witness we share Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. The Christian life is following Jesus obediently knowing that everything done in his name has eternal value. Our acts of faithfulness are never forgotten by God.
As far as witnessing, some may say why bother what good would it do. The answer is that God knows and God cares. Everything done for Jesus has eternal ramifications. Nothing done for Jesus is done in vain. When we sow seeds of righteousness, a harvest will come in due time. God's Word changes people and situations.
It's easy to say who cares. But the truth is God does care and our Christian acts do ripple in heaven. There will be a reward in heaven for our faithfulness. The reward is a crown that we will cast before the throne of God. Our life for Jesus does count and will not be forgotten.
Praise God.

research help: Turning Points August 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the free gift page 1

the free gift page 1 by ric Gustafson

Kirby McGhee looked out from the frosty window of the red and white cab. He missed the neighborhood and the memories of his youth. The snow under the tires crunched as the cab turned right unto Green River Road. The familiar house came into view. He played sports with the other boys on that street.
" Fourth house on the right" he said as he pointed.
They passed the Francis's, the Randolph's and the Morgan's.
Kirby pointed to a light blue house with a white picket fence. " It's right here 2171".
The cab slowly pulled up to the curb and then stopped.
He looked at the two story home that held a lot of memories.
He smiled, got out and walked over to the driver's now open window. He pulled out some money from a pant pocket and paid him.
" Are you going to surprise the family this early Thanksgiving morning?".
" I sure am" he replied as he walked through the gate of the picket fence. " Happy Thanksgiving".
The driver smiled and then drove off.
As Kirby walked toward the front door, a thought came to his mind. He remembered the good luck of being able to get the first job he interviewed for the day before.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 2

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 2 by ric Gustafson

The Christmas jack in the box bounced onto a folding chair. " I call this meeting to order". He stared at the other ornaments. " I have been hearing about grumblings among the ornaments".
One of the sand dollars spoke up. " We're not sure why we are here on this tree?".
" What do you mean?".
" We were enjoying being on the beach in Florida". The ornament paused. " Next thing I know somebody picks us up and brings us here". The sand dollar looks at the jack in the box. " Are we here by accident?".
" Well my pretty, I can cause accidents too".
" Miss Gulch, please".
" All of you who are not sure why you are here". The ornament hesitates. " Please raise your hooks".
All of them raised their hooks.
" Ok, I will explain why you are all here".
" These things must be done delicately".
" Miss Gulch please".
All of the ornaments moved closer to the jack in the box to listen.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Adolf Eichmann

the disciples of the Wolf:  Adolf Eichmann by ric Gustafson

Adolf Eichmann was born on March 19 1906 in Solingen Germany. In a Jerusalem courtroom, a balding man wearing thick black frame glasses listened as a witness testified against him. More than one hundred came forward to relieve nightmares that would haunt them to their graves. He made careful notes but appeared detached and acted like he was resigned to his fate. The former Obersturmbannfuhrer had been indicted on fifteen counts. These included crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people and others which he denied. He was accused of coordinating the deportation of Jews from all over Europe to extermination camps. When he did speak during the trial, he denied everything and all the charges brought against him.
Eichmann was smuggled out of Argentina in 1960 by the Mossad which was the Israeli Intelligence and Special Operations. He was described as obsessive compulsive, driven by uncontrollable forces and was the only Nazi to learn Hebrew. He enjoyed his work and was proud to be a efficient administrator. He denied being the architect of the ' Final Solution'. Instead he portrayed himself as a transportation officer in charge of logistics. He was described as thorough, methodical and a tyrant.
When he was not in court, he was in his cell working on his memoir. After the trial had ended, he was found guilty on all counts.
Adolf Eichmann was hanged just after midnight on May 31 1962.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 29, 2015

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1

the Christmas ornaments support group meeting page 1 by ric Gustafson

The Christmas jack in the box bounced up to the podium. " Are we all here?". He studied his list. " Sand dollars".
" Here here here" was their reply.
" Christmas dog".
" Woof Woof".
" Red Christmas choo choo".
" Choo Choo".
" White Nutcracker".
He bounced into the room. " Here".
" Miss Gulch".
All the ornaments looked around the room.
" Has anyone seen the new Hallmark Christmas ornament?".
" I'll get you my pretty".
" It sounds like Miss Gulch has arrived".
" And your little dog too".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

never never never: Never Alone

never never never:  Never Alone by ric Gustafson

God's Word is living and powerful according to Hebrews 4: 12. We were created for company and relationships. We were created for interaction and love. We may drift away from God by our own choosing.
The fact is we are never alone with Jesus. Sometimes we feel alone in life. When we feel that way, we need to cry out to God. God wants us to enjoy his company and the company of others. We are never alone because God is always with us. Jesus promises to be with us until the end of the age. God will never leave nor forsake us. God wants us to have constant faith in him.

research help: Turning Points August 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 28, 2015

never never never: Never Remembered

never never never:  Never Remembered by ric Gustafson

Every human being is a sinner. Romans 3 says that there is none righteous. Our sins produce guilt which creates in us shame. We need God's forgiveness and forgiveness from others. We want to be forgiven. We want God to wash away our sins. God does that through his son Jesus.
God gives us his grace and our forgiven sins are forgotten. So how are our sins forgiven?. First, we must confess our sins to God and be willing to turn from them. We must acknowledge our sins to God through prayer. We must tell God that we are sorry, ask for forgiveness and tell him that we are willing to turn from sin.
Second, we must by faith claim God's promises about forgiveness. Will God forgive and forget my sins?.
According to God, confessed and forgiven sin is never recalled and never remembered. God does not want us to live in guilt or shame.  Praise God.

research help: Turning Points August 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Eva Braun

the disciples of the Wolf:  Eva Braun by ric Gustafson

Eva Braun was born on February 6 1912 in Munich Bavaria. Eva was not a heroine or a matriarch which were two qualities Hitler admired. She was devoted, patient and understanding and was the picture of Aryan maidenhood. She was the middle daughter of a Munich schoolmaster. She was a shallow self obsessed young woman. She was servile, emotionally immature, compliant, obedient and loved to be by Hitler's side.
Eva met Hitler when she was a secretary for the Nazi Party's official photographer Heinrich Hoffman. She was only 17 at the time. She was by his side until the end April 30 1945.
Both committed suicide and their bodies were burned afterwards.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

do you see what I see: seeing others

do you see what I see: seeing others by ric Gustafson

Is Christmas all about presents, eggnog and Christmas parties. In God's loving eyes, the answer is no. God looks through the windowpanes of heaven and sees a world in need. God sees a self destructive world. He sees an angry world and a world ruled by Satan. God did something about it. He sent his son to save us from destruction.
God wants us to seek the lost who need his Word. God wants us to seek the imprisoned who need attention. God wants us to help the sick and those in nursing homes and hospitals. Lastly, God wants us to love children who need him.
I pray that God will open our hearts this Christmas season.

research help: Turning Points December 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 27, 2015

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 2 by ric Gustafson

The next time I encountered the elderly Apostle, the city of Rome was in flames. Followers of Christos were beginning to believe that the end of the world was here. People were flocking to the elderly fisherman who spoke of love and forgiveness. People walked up to the elderly man to kiss his hands or to touch the hem of his robe.
He smiled at me. " Peace be with you".
People flocked to him.
" Love men as your own brother". He grinned. " Only with love may you serve him".
I knew that these Christians lived in fear. I approached the elderly fisherman. " Rome is burning because of Caesar".
The elderly Apostle looked at me. " I know".
" Because of Nero, people are killing each other".
" I was with the Lord" he replied. " I am not afraid".
I was amazed at how much this elderly fisherman loved a man who died years ago.

research help: ' Quo Vadis' by Henryk Sienkiewicz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

do you see what I see: seeing yourself

do you see what I see:  seeing yourself by ric Gustafson

God planned every detail of the first Christmas in advance. He recorded his plans in Old Testament prophecies. The Christ child arrived right on schedule. Christmas needs to be a time of worship and witness. First, we need an attitude of worship. We worship by being still and exulting in the wonder of who Jesus is. We can express our wonder in praise and prayer. Second, we need to set boundaries. We need to budget our time and money and sometimes say no. We need tine for reflection and rest. Thirdly, we need to seek a spiritual connection with Jesus. To God, Christmas is love, thankfulness and worship.
We need to have an attitude of worship, set boundaries and focus on Jesus.

research help: Turning Points December 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: Nathanael/ Bartholomew

Meet the Apostles:  Nathanael/ Bartholomew by ric Gustafson

Bartholomew is mentioned in lists with Philip. Biblical scholars believe that Nathanael is actually Bartholomew.
In John 1: 44-51, Philip tells Nathanael that he had met Jesus. Nathanael was not impressed. His response was " can anything good come from Nazareth". Philip told him to come and see. Jesus said that he was a man of complete integrity.
Nathanael is not mentioned again in Scripture.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 26, 2015

do you see what I see: seeing Jesus

do you see what I see: seeing Jesus by ric Gustafson

Christmas is the season of lights. The first Christmas light was the star the Magi saw in the East. They followed that star to the Christ child and worshiped him with their gifts. According to John 1:9 says that the true light gave light to every man coming into the world.
Jesus Christ is that true light and it is our task to keep our eyes on the Babe who was born. Christmas is Christ and everything needs to reflect that. God wants us to help those who are lost at this time of the season. God wants us to love everyone no matter where in the world they live. God wants us to pray and stay focused at this time of year. God wants us to remember what Jesus has done for us and always remember the true meaning of Christmas.

research help: Turning Points December 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Geli Raubal

the disciples of the Wolf:  Geli Raubal by ric Gustafson

Angela [ Geli]  Raubal was born on June 4 1908 in Linz Austria. Her Mother Angela was Hitler's housekeeper when the girl was seventeen. Her mother was Hitler's half sister and the two of them stayed with Hitler at the Berghof.  Hitler began seeing Geli on a constant basis and was very protective of her.
At one point, she was banished to Hitler's apartment in Munich. She was not allowed to do much and she began to resent it. Hitler refused to let her study singing in Vienna or to see a young driver that caught her eye.
On September 17 1931, Geli was found dead from a single gunshot to the heart. Hitler's pistol lay next to her body. Rumors began to appear. Was it a suicide? or was it something else?. Hitler took it very hard and was inconsolable for a long time. He kept a portrait of her in his bedroom.

research help:  ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: a man of sorrows

Meet the Apostles: a man of sorrows by ric Gustafson

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah predicted the Messiah in Isaiah 53: 2-3. The prophet said that he was despised, rejected a man of sorrows.
Philip told his friend Nathanael that they had found who Moses and the prophets were writing about. He said that his name was Jesus and that he was the son of Joseph from Nazareth. According to John 1: 45-46 Nathanael replied " can anything good come from Nazareth?. Luckily, because of Philip's insistence Nathanael joined Jesus's group. According to John 1: 47-49, Nathanael's attitude about Jesus changed in seconds.
Thank God we believe in Jesus, know him and follow him.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 1

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 1 by ric Gustafson

My name is Flavius Artemis. I am a centurion. I was assigned to a post in Rome years ago. Before that I served a post in Jerusalem under Pontius Pilate.
Recently, I was asked to come to the Via Nomentana where the hills were full of graveyards. When I got there with some soldiers under me, it was completely dark out. Then I noticed dark forms approaching carrying lanterns.
I asked an old man who was near me " why are they in the dark gathering in this graveyard?".
The old man smiled. " We are Christians and we have to gather in secret".
" Why is that?".
" Jews and the population at large accuse us of crimes and hate us".
Just then, an old man appeared near a fire.
The old man smiled and pointed. " He is here".
Flavius scratched his chin. " Who is here?".
" Peter the fisherman".
Those present fell on their knees.
" He was with Christos".
" Christos?".
" Jesus the Nazarene".
Memories of when he served under Pontius Pilate began to flood Flavius's mind.

research help: ' Quo Vadis' by Henryk Sienkiewicz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: learning from their mistakes

Meet the Apostles: learning from their mistakes by ric Gustafson

Jesus because he was God never sinned. The disciples being fully human did sin. Because they were totally human, we can relate to their struggles with sin. We can relate to the questions that they asked and their reactions in different situations. The Gospels describe them as petty, selfish, vengeful and insecure. We can relate. These simple men were human and sinful.
Jesus was quick to rebuke them. Jesus reprimanded them when he had to. Yet Jesus saw good in them and recognized their eagerness to serve him. Jesus loved them as much as he loves us. Jesus corrected them and encouraged them.
The disciples, other than Judas Iscariot, repented of their mistakes and learned from them. They became role models for us Jesus's followers today. Praise God.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Meet the Apostles: a heavenly home

Meet the Apostles: a heavenly home by ric Gustafson

According to John 14: 1-3, Jesus gives his disciples a huge promise. He tells them that he is going to prepare a place for them in his heavenly kingdom. In Matthew 19:28, he uses royal imagery to describe their place of honor in his kingdom. He promises that they will sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples held on to his promise. They clung unto his words for strength, encouragement and motivation. The disciples knew what their future held. They faced martyrdom with joy. They had little to lose and everything to gain.
Followers of Jesus today can find comfort and strength in Jesus's promises. No matter what happens in our lives, we know we will someday see Jesus. Praise God.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 23, 2015

Esther page 1

Esther page 1 by ric Gustafson

At fourteen years of age, I ran away from the road and the sounds of the other girls crying. I woke up from sleep to a strange man putting a hand over my mouth. He dragged me out of bed and then outside. I knew they were Xerxes's soldiers and one of them was dragging me along the ground.
I joined a whole line of crying girls. We walked down a road. When we stopped, I made a dash for it. I did not get far before a soldier yanked my tunic and dragged me back to the road.
On the road I began to plead.
" If you will let me go". My voice hesitated. " My cousin will give you gold coins".
A soldier sneered. " We will take you and your cousin's coins".
Huts were ransacked until a hundred girls were found.
Then we began to march our wrists tied with ropes.
Where Xerxes's soldiers were taking us, I don't know.

research help: ' Esther' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the disciples of the Wolf: Unity Mitford

the disciples of the Wolf: Unity Mitford by ric Gustafson

Unity Mitford was born on August 8 1914 in London England. It was a fact that Hitler had power over women. Millions of women worshipped him. Newsreels showed women fainting, crying with emotion at the sight of him. Unity was the daughter of the 2nd Baron Redesdale who was a wealthy landowner. Unity had five sisters and decorated her bedroom walls with swastikas.
She joined the British Union of Fascists and in 1933 traveled to Germany to attend the annual Nuremberg Party rally. As a teen, she finally got to meet Hitler at a Munich café. Unity was attracted to Hitler and called him ' Wolf'. Hitler's mistress Eva Braun felt threatened by Mitford and attempted suicide in May 1935. He distanced himself from Unity and spent more time with Eva. At the 1936 Olympic Games, Hitler gave Unity a gold Party badge and a private box to watch the Games. When war was declared between Britain and Germany, Unity tried to commit suicide by shooting herself in the head. She survived but died in 1948 from an infection caused by the shooting.
Eva Braun now had the Wolf's complete and undivided attention.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: faith like a mustard seed

Meet the Apostles: faith like a mustard seed by ric Gustafson

Jesus used the imagery of a mustard seed to talk about the Apostles faith. Faith like a mustard seed starts small with humble beginnings. Then as their faith grew, they began to break out in ministry. According to Mark 6, Jesus sent them out in pairs to preach from village to village. They were to take no money or food. They could only take a walking stick, a pair of sandals and a coat. They had no bibles all they had was what Jesus had taught them. They depended on those to whom they preached for to obtain food and shelter.
After a while like the mustard seed, they blossomed and produced fruit.
God can take us like a mustard seed, nurture us to grow and blossom into what he wants us to be.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 22, 2015

the disciples of the Wolf: Martin Bormann

the disciples of the Wolf:  Martin Bormann by ric Gustafson

Martin Bormann was born on June 17 1900 in Wegeleben Prussia. His wife's name was Gerda and they had ten children.
Bormann was despised by other Nazi leaders and was nicknamed the ' brown eminence'. He had the most access to Hitler and allowed few to be near him. Bormann was the personal secretary to Rudolf Hess but later became Hitler's. He helped build the Berghof and purchased Hitler's birthplace at Braunau and gave it to him as a present.
Bormann was short squat with a moon face. He was course and banal. He did not smoke, drink and was a vegetarian. As Hitler's office manager, he demanded blind obedience and was a yes man.
What happened to Bormann at the end of the war is a mystery. Some people thought that he had escaped to South America. In 1972 near the Lehrter railway station, remains were found. In 1998, DNA confirmed that those remains were those of Hitler's secretary.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Twelve: Jonah

the Twelve: Jonah by ric Gustafson

Jonah tried to run away from God. He found out the hard way it is impossible. God called him to preach to the people of Nineveh. He rebelled against God's call. He disobeyed God and did what he thought was right.
He boarded a ship which was nearly capsized. The crew threw him overboard and he ended up in the belly of a big fish. Three days later, he was coughed up on shore. He became repentant and went to Nineveh. The king heard Jonah's message and asked for complete repentance. God heard the people's cries and relented of his judgment. Salvation came to that city. Jonah turned from rebellion and received God's forgiveness. Because of that, great things happened.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: Philip

Meet the Apostles: Philip by ric Gustafson

When Jesus invited Philip to follow him, he eagerly accepted. Philip introduced his friend Nathanael to Jesus. Philip like the other Apostles struggled to grasp the true nature of Jesus's power and identity. During the feeding of the five thousand, Philip was not sure if a miracle could happen.
Philip is not mentioned much in the Gospels. After Jesus's ascension, it was said that Philip ended up in Hierapolis Pamukkale Turkey. They say that he was buried in the center of the building. He was martyred by being crucified upside down.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 21, 2015

the Twelve: Obadiah

the Twelve: Obadiah by ric Gustafson

This book of the Old Testament is the shortest. This book records the judgment against the people of Edom. In Obadiah 1: 3-4, the Lord warns us to repent or get ready for judgment. The Lord reminded the people of Edom of their sin. Obadiah 1:15 says that as you have done, it shall be done to you. No one can escape the judgment of God. Obadiah 1:20 says return to him. Obadiah 1:21 says that God's eternal promises will come to pass.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 20, 2015

the Twelve: Amos

the Twelve: Amos by ric Gustafson

The prophet Amos came to warn people about their rejection of the Lord. Amos was a shepherd in a barren rocky place called Tekoa. He had a flaming and burning message for the people. Israel had security, comfort and wealth but inside their spiritual health was declining.
Because of their arrogance, God called Amos. The people worshiped outwardly but disobeyed inwardly. They ignored God's law. God had no use for their festivals and rich offerings. The people rejected him and God rejected their phony worship. Amos's message was about their rejection of God. Amos 4: 12 - 5:14 says to prepare to meet your God O Israel.
How do we prepare to meet God?. We must repent of our sin. Instead of rejecting God we need to receive him.

research help: ' Where I Am' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Sweet By and By Inn page 5

the Sweet By and By Inn page 5 by ric Gustafson

Zeke opened the door and walked into the small pizza restaurant. He noticed his co worker sitting in a booth in the back. He walked up and shook his hand. " Fred, this is an interesting place".
" I was hoping you would like it" Fred Holman replied as he began to look at a menu. " What kind of pizza do you like?".
Zeke sat down and took a menu to look at. " I really like ham and pineapple". He began to study it. " Plus I'll have a Mountain Dew".
Fred looked toward the front. " It looks like we need to order from up front". After they ordered, they sat down with their soda drinks.
Fred raised his cup. " To success in the next thirty days".
" To success" Zeke replied as he raised his Mountain Dew.
A half hour later, their large half and half pizza arrived.
Fred took a slice of ham and pineapple pizza and took a bite. " So where are you staying?". He wiped off his mouth with a napkin.
" I'm staying at the Sweet By and By Inn".
His friend kept eating the pizza. " I've heard it's a nice place but strange".
" What do you mean?".
" The Inn is always full". He took a sip of Diet Coke. " But I've lived here all my life and have never actually met anyone who has actually stayed there".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: John

Meet the Apostles: John by ric Gustafson

John was part of Jesus's inner circle. Jesus called John the disciple whom I loved. John was a son of Zebedee and was a brother of James. John and his brother had the nicknames of the ' Sons of Thunder'. John was present during Jesus's transfiguration. John was loyal to Jesus and was close to him.
Jesus asked him to prepare the Passover feast that became the Last Supper. Jesus entrusted him to take care of his mother. After Jesus's ascension, John became one of the first century's church leaders. He performed miracles and spoke to crowds. He was a prolific writer and contributed three short letters and wrote a apocalyptic vision from God called the book of Revelation.
John was the only Apostle who did not die a martyr's death.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Meet the Apostles: witnessing Jesus's power

Meet the Apostles: witnessing Jesus's power by ric Gustafson

According to Mark 4: 38, the disciples were transporting Jesus across the Sea of Galilee. All of a sudden, a squall arose so quickly they became afraid. Everyone was afraid except for Jesus. He was asleep in the back of the boat.
The disciples woke him up and shouted that they were going to drown in this storm. Jesus woke up, stood up and rebuked the wind. The wind stopped and the Sea was calm. He asked them why they were afraid?. He asked them if they still had no faith.
The disciples were terrified and asked each other who is this man?. Even the wind and waves obey him. The disciples knew that they were sitting in a boat with God himself.
Our faith will grow as we experience Jesus's power and miracles.
Then we will have peace in our lives.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

the Sweet By and By Inn page 4

the Sweet By and By Inn page 4 by ric Gustafson

Zeke had both hands on two worn burgundy suitcases. Hardwood stairs creaked as he walked upstairs. He began looking for Room 8 which he was told was on the far right end of the hall. He came up to Room 7. The door opened and an elderly man, who was wearing a silver jogging outfit and a blue baseball cap, walked out.
" Hi, I'm Alan Busby". He happily shook Zeke's hand. " I'm going for a short jog along the river".
Zeke saw Room 8 and opened the door. He walked into a spacious room that had a queen size bed. He walked over to a window and looked out. He could see Crystal's vegetable garden. Along one wall was a small wooden dresser with a mirror above it. On one side of the bed was a small end table with a plain lamp on it. As he opened his suitcases, there was a knock on the door. He opened it to reveal Crystal holding a stack of fresh towels.
She walked over and put them into a closet in the bathroom. " I hope the room is satisfactory".
" The room is very nice". He took a small black bible out of his suitcase and put it on the table near the bed. " I like it, it feels homey".
" Good". She gave him a weary smile. " I'll see you at breakfast in the morning at 7".
" Good night Crystal".
The door closed.
Zeke changed and then left so he could join his co workers for dinner.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Sweet By and By Inn page 3

the Sweet By and By Inn page 3 by ric Gustafson

" What brings you to these parts?".
They walked through the front door into a large dining room. The room contained a spacious wooden table that could seat ten people.
" Our company is doing a lot of business in Riverton".
They walked up to an antique desk where she kept the guest register.
" Please sign here".
Zeke signed the register. Just then, he heard six bongs of an antique clock that sat on a cherry hutch.
Crystal looked at the register. " Williams, interesting last name". She put it in a drawer.
He walked to a nearby window and looked out. Fog kept him from looking across. " The river is calm and quiet this evening".
She began to put place settings around the table. " It's always that way". She grinned. " That's why I built this bed and breakfast here".
Zeke noticed that the foot bridge stopped at the edge of the fog.
" I forgot to tell you" she exclaimed as she finished putting ten fancy plates around the table. " I don't provide dinner".
" Oh!".
" I will serve a huge breakfast in the morning at 7 sharp".
Zeke smiled. " I'll probably go into town and get some dinner".
" I'll see you at breakfast Mr Williams".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Meet the Apostles: witnessing Jesus's compassion

Meet the Apostles: witnessing Jesus's compassion by ric Gustafson

According to John 9: 1-2, Jesus and his disciples were walking when they observed a man who had been blind since birth. They asked him why was this man was born blind?. They asked if it was because of his own sins or his parents sin. Jesus healed the man while he answered their question. He recognized the need and addressed it.
According to Acts 3: 1-11, Peter and John encountered a man who had been lame since birth. The man asked for money. They gave him something better. He told the man in the name of Jesus to get up and walk. He did so and walked, leaped and praised God.
We need to be like Jesus and care for all people in need.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric