Monday, November 23, 2015

the disciples of the Wolf: Unity Mitford

the disciples of the Wolf: Unity Mitford by ric Gustafson

Unity Mitford was born on August 8 1914 in London England. It was a fact that Hitler had power over women. Millions of women worshipped him. Newsreels showed women fainting, crying with emotion at the sight of him. Unity was the daughter of the 2nd Baron Redesdale who was a wealthy landowner. Unity had five sisters and decorated her bedroom walls with swastikas.
She joined the British Union of Fascists and in 1933 traveled to Germany to attend the annual Nuremberg Party rally. As a teen, she finally got to meet Hitler at a Munich café. Unity was attracted to Hitler and called him ' Wolf'. Hitler's mistress Eva Braun felt threatened by Mitford and attempted suicide in May 1935. He distanced himself from Unity and spent more time with Eva. At the 1936 Olympic Games, Hitler gave Unity a gold Party badge and a private box to watch the Games. When war was declared between Britain and Germany, Unity tried to commit suicide by shooting herself in the head. She survived but died in 1948 from an infection caused by the shooting.
Eva Braun now had the Wolf's complete and undivided attention.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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