Tuesday, December 29, 2015

the Great Oz page 2

the Great Oz page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oscar stared through the flickering torch at the audience. " Watch as my assistant Mavis will rise in her chair into the atmosphere". He put his hands slowly over her. She began to rise.
The audience gasped.
" Arise my dear and float into the sky".
She rose up from the chair and began to float in the air. The chair crashed to the ground.
Oscar could tell the show was going well.
An audience member pointed. " I see a wire".
He grinned. " You must be mistaken sir".
" No, I see a wire". He pointed above Mavis. " See, it's right there".
Oscar tried to calm the audience. " Folks, this is magic". He grinned. " There is no need for wires".
" He's a fake". A woman pointed toward Mavis. " I see a wire too".
Oscar took a knife and cut the wire. Mavis fell into his arms.
" Run Oscar".
They ran out the back flap of the tent.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Disney Press

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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