Saturday, November 28, 2015

do you see what I see: seeing others

do you see what I see: seeing others by ric Gustafson

Is Christmas all about presents, eggnog and Christmas parties. In God's loving eyes, the answer is no. God looks through the windowpanes of heaven and sees a world in need. God sees a self destructive world. He sees an angry world and a world ruled by Satan. God did something about it. He sent his son to save us from destruction.
God wants us to seek the lost who need his Word. God wants us to seek the imprisoned who need attention. God wants us to help the sick and those in nursing homes and hospitals. Lastly, God wants us to love children who need him.
I pray that God will open our hearts this Christmas season.

research help: Turning Points December 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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