Saturday, November 28, 2015

never never never: Never Remembered

never never never:  Never Remembered by ric Gustafson

Every human being is a sinner. Romans 3 says that there is none righteous. Our sins produce guilt which creates in us shame. We need God's forgiveness and forgiveness from others. We want to be forgiven. We want God to wash away our sins. God does that through his son Jesus.
God gives us his grace and our forgiven sins are forgotten. So how are our sins forgiven?. First, we must confess our sins to God and be willing to turn from them. We must acknowledge our sins to God through prayer. We must tell God that we are sorry, ask for forgiveness and tell him that we are willing to turn from sin.
Second, we must by faith claim God's promises about forgiveness. Will God forgive and forget my sins?.
According to God, confessed and forgiven sin is never recalled and never remembered. God does not want us to live in guilt or shame.  Praise God.

research help: Turning Points August 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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