Monday, November 23, 2015

Esther page 1

Esther page 1 by ric Gustafson

At fourteen years of age, I ran away from the road and the sounds of the other girls crying. I woke up from sleep to a strange man putting a hand over my mouth. He dragged me out of bed and then outside. I knew they were Xerxes's soldiers and one of them was dragging me along the ground.
I joined a whole line of crying girls. We walked down a road. When we stopped, I made a dash for it. I did not get far before a soldier yanked my tunic and dragged me back to the road.
On the road I began to plead.
" If you will let me go". My voice hesitated. " My cousin will give you gold coins".
A soldier sneered. " We will take you and your cousin's coins".
Huts were ransacked until a hundred girls were found.
Then we began to march our wrists tied with ropes.
Where Xerxes's soldiers were taking us, I don't know.

research help: ' Esther' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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