Thursday, November 26, 2015

do you see what I see: seeing Jesus

do you see what I see: seeing Jesus by ric Gustafson

Christmas is the season of lights. The first Christmas light was the star the Magi saw in the East. They followed that star to the Christ child and worshiped him with their gifts. According to John 1:9 says that the true light gave light to every man coming into the world.
Jesus Christ is that true light and it is our task to keep our eyes on the Babe who was born. Christmas is Christ and everything needs to reflect that. God wants us to help those who are lost at this time of the season. God wants us to love everyone no matter where in the world they live. God wants us to pray and stay focused at this time of year. God wants us to remember what Jesus has done for us and always remember the true meaning of Christmas.

research help: Turning Points December 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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