Sunday, December 13, 2015

the free gift page 9

the free gift page 9 by ric Gustafson

Two weeks before Christmas

Kirby was putting wrapping around a pallet of decorative boxes.
" How are the pallets coming Kirby?".
" Ok". He did not look up.
The young man handed Kirby a cup of coffee. " Why don't you take a break".
They sat down at a worktable.
" You seem distracted today".
" I'm not getting along with my brother" he said as he sipped from his coffee. " It's bothering me a lot".
The young man sipped from his cup. " You need to pray to my Father for guidance and assurance".
Kirby gave him a confused stare. " Your Father?".
" Then you need to confront your brother and tell him how you feel".
Kirby sighed. " Ok, I'll try it".
" Good" Jesus said as he got up from the table. " Now let's get these boxes ready".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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