Monday, November 23, 2015

Meet the Apostles: faith like a mustard seed

Meet the Apostles: faith like a mustard seed by ric Gustafson

Jesus used the imagery of a mustard seed to talk about the Apostles faith. Faith like a mustard seed starts small with humble beginnings. Then as their faith grew, they began to break out in ministry. According to Mark 6, Jesus sent them out in pairs to preach from village to village. They were to take no money or food. They could only take a walking stick, a pair of sandals and a coat. They had no bibles all they had was what Jesus had taught them. They depended on those to whom they preached for to obtain food and shelter.
After a while like the mustard seed, they blossomed and produced fruit.
God can take us like a mustard seed, nurture us to grow and blossom into what he wants us to be.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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