Thursday, December 17, 2015

the glory of Christmas: victory in life

the glory of Christmas: victory in life by ric Gustafson

Matthew chapter 5 talks about a reconstruction of the heart. We are poor in spirit and then we mourn. And then we realize that we are meek. Then we hunger and thirst for his presence. As we become more like Jesus, we change. We are more merciful, we are more pure in heart, we are more like peace makers.
Jesus had a victory over the power of sin and death. So how do we have victory in life?. This victory is lived out day by day hour by hour. We need to break sinful patterns in our life and seek to obey God. God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The strength to overcome and have victory in life is a gift from God.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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