Sunday, December 13, 2015

the disciples of the Wolf: Magda Goebbels

the disciples of the Wolf: Magda Goebbels by ric Gustafson

Magda Goebbels acted in public as the First Lady of the Nazi party. In private she was hurt and unhappy by her husband's numerous affairs. When she found out about his affair with Lida Baarova who was a Czech film star, she was furious. She went to Hitler and asked his permission to divorce him. Hitler did not want a scandal and forced him to end the affair. She remained in the marriage only for the sake of their children.
She spent as much time away from her husband as possible. She suffered from heart murmurs and neuralgia attacks.
Hitler tried to convince Magda to take the children and escape. She refused and was determined to die by her husband's side. The day after Hitler's suicide, she had Dr Helmut Kunz administer a morphine injection to the children so they would sleep. Then she went into their room in the Bunker and put a poison capsule into their mouths and crushed them. Later outside in the Reich Chancellery garden, Josef shot his wife in the back of the head and then killed himself.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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