Wednesday, December 23, 2015

divine standard time: your time

divine standard time: your time by ric Gustafson

As God's children, we have our own time zone. It is called Divine Standard Time. According to Psalm 139:16, we have a God who has planned out our lives, timed out our days and preordained our work. Our time here is brief and we should make each day count. We are here according to God's will and for his purposes. Each day we need to serve him. God has proportioned a certain number of days here on this earth for us to serve him. When we commit ourselves to Jesus, our life changes.
According to Matthew 6: 20, Jesus wants us to lay up treasures in heaven. We need to make each day count and fulfill what Jesus has for us to do for him each day.

research help: Turning Points January 2016

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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