Saturday, December 12, 2015

the free gift page 8

the free gift page 8 by ric Gustafson

The decorative box came down the conveyor belt. Kirby put a label on it and then opened the box. He put a little card inside and then sealed it up for shipping. His young boss stuck his head inside the door. " How's it going Kirby?".
" Fine".
" Kirby, you have visitors".
" I wonder who that is" he muttered as he stopped the belt. He walked into the office. As he walked in, a four year old boy jumped into his arms. " Uncle Kirby, ask me how I am today".
" How are you today Tony the Tiger?".
" Grreat".
" I just wanted to see where you work now" Mark said as he glanced around the room. He grinned and then walked out.
" He doesn't like me anymore".
" Yes he does" Evelyn replied as Duncan sat down in a chair. " He's just jealous".
" Jealous?".
" Yes, you were able to leave home and pursue your dreams".
" I came back because of my unfilled dreams".
She sighed. " At least you had the opportunity".
" Mark did not have that opportunity".
" He's just jealous because he had to stay and take care of Mom".
Kirby glanced at the clock on the wall. " Sis, I need to get back to work".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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