Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 2

Happy New Year from the A. G. Command Center page 2 by ric Gustafson

About fifteen minutes later, a gray haired gray bearded man and some workers walked into the break room.
The workers took paper plates and began to eat the pizza.
The gray bearded man put a slice on a paper plate. " Thanks for bringing the pizza Roger". He glanced at the wall clock. " Would you like to stay quick and have a slice?".
" Ok, but just for a few minutes". He put a slice on a plate and sat next to the old man.
Fifteen minutes later, the workers threw away their trash and went back to work.
Roger took a bite of his pizza. " You guys sure look busy".
" My workers and I are watching my people 24 hours a day seven days a week".
" All the time".
A. G. smiled. " I'm watching my people at all times and in all places".
All of a sudden, Roger heard cheering coming from somewhere in the building. " What was that cheering for?".
" One of my dear ones just repented". He smiled. " We always rejoice when one of my children repent".
Roger looked at the time. " I'd better go". He threw away his trash. " Thanks for the pizza".
" Thank you for bringing it". He laughed. " We're always hungry around here". 
" You're welcome".
" Bless you Roger". He gave him a big hug. " And Happy New Year".
Roger walked back to his car smiling.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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