Wednesday, November 18, 2015

the Sweet By and By Inn page 4

the Sweet By and By Inn page 4 by ric Gustafson

Zeke had both hands on two worn burgundy suitcases. Hardwood stairs creaked as he walked upstairs. He began looking for Room 8 which he was told was on the far right end of the hall. He came up to Room 7. The door opened and an elderly man, who was wearing a silver jogging outfit and a blue baseball cap, walked out.
" Hi, I'm Alan Busby". He happily shook Zeke's hand. " I'm going for a short jog along the river".
Zeke saw Room 8 and opened the door. He walked into a spacious room that had a queen size bed. He walked over to a window and looked out. He could see Crystal's vegetable garden. Along one wall was a small wooden dresser with a mirror above it. On one side of the bed was a small end table with a plain lamp on it. As he opened his suitcases, there was a knock on the door. He opened it to reveal Crystal holding a stack of fresh towels.
She walked over and put them into a closet in the bathroom. " I hope the room is satisfactory".
" The room is very nice". He took a small black bible out of his suitcase and put it on the table near the bed. " I like it, it feels homey".
" Good". She gave him a weary smile. " I'll see you at breakfast in the morning at 7".
" Good night Crystal".
The door closed.
Zeke changed and then left so he could join his co workers for dinner.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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