Wednesday, November 18, 2015

the Sweet By and By Inn page 3

the Sweet By and By Inn page 3 by ric Gustafson

" What brings you to these parts?".
They walked through the front door into a large dining room. The room contained a spacious wooden table that could seat ten people.
" Our company is doing a lot of business in Riverton".
They walked up to an antique desk where she kept the guest register.
" Please sign here".
Zeke signed the register. Just then, he heard six bongs of an antique clock that sat on a cherry hutch.
Crystal looked at the register. " Williams, interesting last name". She put it in a drawer.
He walked to a nearby window and looked out. Fog kept him from looking across. " The river is calm and quiet this evening".
She began to put place settings around the table. " It's always that way". She grinned. " That's why I built this bed and breakfast here".
Zeke noticed that the foot bridge stopped at the edge of the fog.
" I forgot to tell you" she exclaimed as she finished putting ten fancy plates around the table. " I don't provide dinner".
" Oh!".
" I will serve a huge breakfast in the morning at 7 sharp".
Zeke smiled. " I'll probably go into town and get some dinner".
" I'll see you at breakfast Mr Williams".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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