Sunday, December 20, 2015

the return of E Scrooge page 3

the return of E Scrooge by ric Gustafson

Scrooge walked through the front door of Scrooge and Cratchit.  He spotted his nephew working away in a ledger.
" Nephew, you should take tomorrow off".
He studied his ledger. " I will be back the next morning, an hour earlier". He put on his coat and opened the door to leave.
" Merry Christmas Nephew". Scrooge put on his coat, turned off the lights, walked out and locked the door. He began to walk down dark streets. After a while, he stopped at the front door of his home. The front door had a huge knocker. He unlocked the door and walked into a large foyer. He put his coat on a coat rack and then began to climb some stairs up to a second story. At the top of the stairs was a sitting room, bedroom and lumber room.
His sitting room included French polished tables, tables, chairs and bedspreads.
What was strange about tonight was that he saw his old partner Jacob Marley in the front door knocker.

research help: ' The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge' by Charlie Lovett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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