Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I knew Crazy Horse page 5

I knew Crazy Horse page 5 by ric Gustafson

Grandfather told me another story

It was a hot summer afternoon. Little Hair looked to the west and saw a line of covered wagons coming over a hill. Beside him was his uncle Little Hawk. They watched an endless line of wagons. Little Hair had seen wagons before. The Long Knives used them. Little Hair had never seen so many wagons from end to end.
I asked Grandfather how many wagons had traveled this route. He wasn't sure. His guess was that possibly three hundred and fifty thousand people had traveled this Oregon Trail.
" Where did those wagons come from?".
" They started in Missouri, went through here and ended up in California or Oregon".
" Then what happened?".
" Some people stayed". He gave a long sigh. " Some forced our people off of our land".
" Did Crazy Horse try to stop them?".
Grandfather grinned. " He tried".
We traveled to a historic site called Fort Laramie.
" Grandfather, why are we here?".
He smiled. " I will tell you another story".

research help: ' In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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