Thursday, November 26, 2015

Meet the Apostles: a man of sorrows

Meet the Apostles: a man of sorrows by ric Gustafson

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah predicted the Messiah in Isaiah 53: 2-3. The prophet said that he was despised, rejected a man of sorrows.
Philip told his friend Nathanael that they had found who Moses and the prophets were writing about. He said that his name was Jesus and that he was the son of Joseph from Nazareth. According to John 1: 45-46 Nathanael replied " can anything good come from Nazareth?. Luckily, because of Philip's insistence Nathanael joined Jesus's group. According to John 1: 47-49, Nathanael's attitude about Jesus changed in seconds.
Thank God we believe in Jesus, know him and follow him.

research help: ' The Twelve Apostles' by Time Inc Books

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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