Wednesday, December 30, 2015

disciples of the Wolf: Heinrich Himmler

disciples of the Wolf: Heinrich Himmler by ric Gustafson

Heinrich Himmler physically did not look like the leader of the SS and head of the Gestapo. He had a puny physique, poor eyesight and a weak constitution. As Reichsfuhrer SS and head of the State Secret Police, his name alone spread fear.
Heinrich was the second of three sons born to a Munich high school teacher. He had a mocking smile which left him isolated and distrustful of people. Himmler first heard Hitler speak in Munich in 1923. In 1929, Himmler became the head of the SS. In December of 1935, Himmler established the Lebensborn programme. He paired his SS  men with racially pure partners to produce perfect Aryan babies.
Toward the end of the war, Himmler discussed surrender terms with the World Jewish Congress. Himmler tried to escape by disguising himself as a sergeant major in the Secret Military Police. He was captured by the British on May 23 1945. When they found out who it was, Himmler swallowed cyanide and was dead within seconds.

research help: ' The Nazi Files' by Paul Roland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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