Saturday, December 12, 2015

the Twelve: Nahum

the Twelve: Nahum by ric Gustafson

The prophet Nahum's message was revenge on evil. The prophet talks about God stirring the clouds. Nahum was called by God to give a message to Nineveh. 150 years had passed since Jonah's message. God's anger was a holy anger which is pure and righteous. Nahum 1:3 says that God is slow to anger. Nahum preached that God would take revenge on evil. In Nahum 1:3-5, the prophet uses imagery such as clouds, whirlwinds and storms.
God has been very patient to us. Nahum 1:14 says to the people not to turn back to sin but they do. Nahum 1:15 gives a promise of someone whose feet will bring good tidings. Also this someone will proclaim peace.

research help: ' Where I Am ' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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