Saturday, December 31, 2016

Heaven: is this paradise?

Heaven: is this paradise? by ric Gustafson

According to Luke 23:43, Jesus promised a thief that today you will be with me in paradise. Jesus was referring to the intermediate heaven as paradise. Paradise has been used to describe the Garden of Eden. It has been used to describe the intermediate heaven and the eternal state of the righteous.
Paradise has been described as an actual place where God and his people live surrounded by physical beauty, great pleasured and happiness.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy New Year. Love Ric

Friday, December 30, 2016

What on earth are we here for?: because God loves us

What on earth are we here for?: because God loves us by ric Gustafson

According to I John 4:11, since God so loved us we also ought to love one another. We are here on this earth to love God and to love others. God is love and wants us to become more like him. God loves us deeply and unconditionally.
Love is unnatural to us. It is our human nature to think about ourselves first. Real love is putting the needs of others before our own needs. Love is a choice an action and a commitment. Real love focuses on how I can serve others. We must learn to love which is not easy.

research help: ' Better Together' by Rick Warren

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Farewell 2016: Producer George Martin

Farewell 2016: Producer George Martin by ric Gustafson

In 1962, an EMI record producer named George Martin received a demo tape by an unknown pop group. This group was called the Beatles. He was not impressed by the tape. The four lads from Liverpool to him did have an unusual quality of sound and a certain roughness.
Martin was struck by their sense of humor and he signed the unknown group to a contract. The rest they say is history. With Martin at the helm, between 1962 and 1970 the Beatles made 13 albums and 22 singles. The group and Martin transformed the face of music and culture at large.
George Martin passed away on March 8 in England at the age of 90.

research help: ' Life Farewell' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee by ric Gustafson

When people visit the Sea of Galilee, they are surprised by how small it actually is. It is only 13 miles long north south and 7.5 miles wide east west. Thousands of years ago, Lisan Lake filled the entire Jordan Valley. Then it retreated leaving the Sea of Galilee in the middle between the Hula Swamp and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is a freshwater inland lake not an actual sea.
Along the Sea in A.D 20 was the city of Tiberias. It was built by Herod Antipas in honor of Roman Emperor Tiberius. Jesus came to this area to minister to the local Jewish folk. He preached in Capernaum, Chorazin and Bethsaida. The main economy of the Sea of Galilee is fishing. Jesus found two of his early followers along these shores, Simon later called Peter and his brother Andrew. James and John were also fishermen there who joined Jesus's group of followers. From Tiberias you would travel to Magdala which was the home of Mary Magdalene. From there you would go north toward Tabgha where Jesus did the Sermon on the Mount. Then you would travel east to Bethsaida where Philip, Andrew and Peter were from. Then you would travel south along the shore to the land of Gadara. There Jesus encountered the madman.
I hope to visit this place some day.

The End

research help: ' Galilean Seafaring' by Shelley Wachsmann

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Heaven: where God's people go

Heaven: where God's people go by ric Gustafson

When God's children pass away, they immediately go to a place called the intermediate heaven. It is our present heaven. This intermediate heaven is fully heaven and full of God's presence. But it is temporary and not our final destination . It is not the place where we will live forever.
Our final destination is the New Earth which will be resurrected and we will have resurrected bodies. Jesus will return to earth. We will be resurrected and walk on the earth again. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. And we will live with God forever. The intermediate heaven is a temporary dwelling place. It is a wonderful place but it is a stop on our way to the New Earth.
Father in heaven, I look forward to the intermediate heaven and then the New Earth.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Farewell 2016: Director Garry Marshall

Farewell 2016: Director Garry Marshall by ric Gustafson

Writer Director Garry Marshall wrote some of the most memorable TV shows of the past 50 years. Happy Days, Mork and Mindy, Laverne and Shirley starring his sister Penny Marshall. Garry Marshall was born in the Bronx.
On the big screen, Marshall directed the Runaway Bride, the Princess Diaries and Pretty Woman. His sister Penny Marshall directed Big, Awakenings and A League of their Own.
Garry Marshall died on July 19 at the age of 81.

research help: ' Life Farewell' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Heaven: are we going or not?

Heaven: are we going or not? by ric Gustafson

So are we going to heaven or not?. According to Matthew 7: 13-14, we must enter through a narrow gate. Small is this gate, narrow is the road and few find it. People assume that they are going to heaven but the fact is that sin keeps us out. Sin separates us from a relationship with God. Because we are sinners, we cannot enter heaven. Before we can see God in heaven, something must change.
So how are we saved?. First, Jesus invites us to have him as our Savior. Some people respond to this invitation some do not. When we do invite Jesus into our life, we must confess and then repent our sins. Our confession establishes our forgiveness. We are saved through faith which is a gift of God.
Jesus Christ offers us forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. God gave us this chance by his Son Jesus dying on a cross for us.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

our one true hope: our anchor

our one true hope:  our anchor by ric Gustafson

Storms are in our lives every day. Financial, emotional and physical storms batter us around in all directions. We need an anchor to secure us during these turbulent times. The question is what anchor are we going to use?.
We could use the earthly anchor. This world relies on money, success, prestige and education. Or, do we use Jesus Christ as our anchor. When we are anchored to Jesus the rock, we do not need to fear the storms of life. When Jesus is our anchor, we will not drift away in these storms. Being anchored in Jesus will keep us from being capsized in these storms. In stormy weather, hope will be a rope tightened around us to keep us safe. Jesus Christ is our hope and our anchor.

The End

research help:  Turning Points January 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Monday, December 26, 2016

our one true hope: our guide

our one true hope: our guide by ric Gustafson

In this sinful world, we travel through rough seas. We live in a society that has rejected God, bankrupt our values, disrupted our churches and persecutes believers. So we ask ourselves who is at the helm of this ship?. Do we trust in earthly leaders?. We need God to navigate us and lead us to eternity. God will do that because he loves us more than anything else. He has a specific plan for our lives. He guides us for his name sake.
When making a decision we need to study God's Word, look at the circumstances and then think through the decision prayerfully. God will guide us through 2017.
God is ours forever and ever and will guide us and protect us always. Praise God.

research help: Turning Points January 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Heaven: seeking God's face

Heaven: seeking God's face by ric Gustafson

When we long for heaven, we long for God. The heart and soul of heaven is being with God. The greatest gift of heaven is being in the presence of God himself. In heaven, we will see God because we will be righteous and sinless. Our greatest joy in heaven will be seeing God. When we see God's face, we will see beauty. When we see Jesus in heaven, we will be seeing God. When we see Jesus, we will be seeing God. When we see God's face, his name will be on our foreheads.
Praise God that one day we will be in heaven and can see him face to face.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sunday, December 25, 2016

our one true hope: our refuge

our one true hope: our refuge by ric Gustafson

What is a refuge?. According to Nahum 3:11, a refuge is a place or means of safety. It is a place for protection, a stronghold and a hiding place. A refuge is a place for safety and protection.
God wants to be our refuge. According to Psalm 46: 1, God is our refuge and strength. Trouble and change comes into our lives at some point. When trouble comes, we need a refuge. God wants to be our refuge.
We want a refuge that is safe and we fill protected. God is safe, strong and he will always protect us and keep us safe. We want to feel secure and solid.
God wants to be our refuge, will we let him?.

research help: Turning Points January 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Merry Christmas. Love Ric

Heaven: heavenly minded

Heaven:  heavenly minded by ric Gustafson

According to Colossians 3: 1-2, God wants us to set our hearts and minds on heaven. When we think about heaven, our minds must focus on Jesus Christ. As God's people, we long for a better place. We need to set our hearts on heaven. We must pursue heaven. We must keep seeking heaven.
In John 16: 33, Jesus says that we will deal with pain and loss. Jesus tells us to be of great cheer. Jesus has a new house ready for us in heaven. One day soon we will be home.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Merry Christmas. Love Ric

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Heaven: i can see the shore

Heaven: i can see the shore by ric Gustafson

Life is not easy. Sometimes we are burdened, discouraged and depressed. We can have optimism in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. When we think about heaven, our painful times can be temporary setbacks. In heaven, our pain and suffering here will be gone. That is Jesus's promise and he always keeps his word. There will be no more pain, death and our tears will be wiped away.
As Christians, we need to be optimistic not pessimistic. Jesus came to take away our fear of death. The truth is that heaven will be never ending joy. We need to place our hope in Jesus and his promises. We need to think yes i can see the shore i can make it.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Christmas Eve. Love Ric

POP the bell ringer page 3

POP the bell ringer page 3 by ric Gustafson

David glanced at his fitbit. " I need to go to lunch".
The young man shook David's hand. " Merry Christmas David".
He clocked out and left.
1 hour later
David got out of his car. He walked toward the front door. He noticed that the bell ringer and his kettle were gone. He walked into the store and noticed one of the assistant managers. He was helping a customer.
He ran over to him. " Frank, what happened to the bell ringer?".
The customer began to walk where the assistant manager pointed. He looked at David. " What bell ringer?".
David gave him a confused stare. " The young man in a white robe who was outside ringing that bell".
The assistant manager turned to help another customer. " We stopped having a bell ringer outside two years ago".
David stood there and pondered what POP had told him. It was far better to give than to receive.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Christmas Eve. Love Ric

Friday, December 23, 2016

the Good Life: God's love for us

the Good Life: God's love for us by ric Gustafson

What is love?. What is more important is what is real love?. According to I John 4:10, this is real love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. The plain truth is that God loves us very much. Psalm 103 tells us many things that God does for us in love. He forgives our sins and satisfies us with good things. He is slow to get angry and is full of mercy. He never forgets us and removes our sin as far east as west.
So what is love?. God is love and he loves us more than anything else.

The End

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

POP the bell ringer page 2

POP the bell ringer page 2 by ric Gustafson

David was refilling the farmer's market. He noticed the bell ringer standing in produce trying to stay warm. " You can stay in here and stay warm as long as you want" David replied. He walked over to check the strawberries and grapes.
The young man smiled. " Thank you David".
" I was curious how you knew my name" he asked as he refilled the lemons and oranges.
The young man smiled. He shook David's hand. " My name is POP".
" POP?".
He smiled as he shook the hand of a customer. " It's short for Prince of Peace".
David refilled the limes. " I was curious about something".
" What is that David?".
" I was curious if standing out in the cold ringing that bell is worth it".
The young man smiled. " David, look around you".
He looked around.
" Look at the smiles of people who put coins into my kettle and then come in".
David nodded. " Why is that?".
" It is far better to give than to receive".
" Oh!".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Farewell 2016: golfer Arnold Palmer

Farewell 2016: golfer Arnold Palmer by ric Gustafson

He was a chain smoker, loved Coke and was a TV pitchman. He was the son of a working class groundskeeper and yet he was much more. He turned golf from a gentleman's game into a popular pastime. In his six decade career, he won seven major titles. He was the first TV golf superstar. He had charisma, good looks and a muscular physique. He wore his emotions on his sleeve and usually went for broke. He appealed to everyday golfers. He was nicknamed the King.
Arnold Palmer died on September 25 in Pittsburgh PA at the age of 87.

research help: ' Life Farewell' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Good Life: rest in Christ

the Good Life: rest in Christ by ric Gustafson

Jesus wants to give us rest. According to Matthew 11:28, Jesus says come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. We were born and we live for the purpose of knowing and loving God. God is the source of our life. Until we come to him, our hearts are restless. God has planted eternity into our hearts.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

the Good Life: a good man

the Good Life: a good man by ric Gustafson

Are we saved by our good works?. The answer to that is no. In Ephesians 2:8, it says that God saved you by his grace when you believed and you can't take credit for this it is a gift from God. Everyone has sinned and fall short of God's standard. The wages of sin is death.
We are saved because Jesus died in our place to pay sin's penalty. We must accept the free gift of God which is eternal life. That is the best gift of all.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a List from Schindler page 4

a List from Schindler page 4 by ric Gustafson

Young Oskar Schindler loved motorcycles. He owned a 500cc Galloni and a 250cc Moto Guzzi. He enjoyed being in motorcycle races. Oskar met his future wife Emilie at a party in Zwittau. She was from the nearby village of Alt Molstein and was visiting friends. When they married, Oskar paid a large dowry of a half a million reichmarks.
After they were married, they moves into an apartment in Zwittau. Bad news struck when Oskar's parents went bankrupt and his father Hans left his mother Louisa. When his mother passed away, Oskar was a member of the Sudenten German Party. In 1938, Oskar was approached by Admiral Canaris to join the Foreign Section of the Abwehr.
One night in Cracow, Oskar Schindler met Itzhak Stern. Oskar was interested in starting a new business in Cracow and asked Stern for suggestions. The two men talked about textiles, garments, cabinetmaking and metalwork. Oskar asked Stern about a bankrupt company called Rekord. He did. It was bankrupt and made enamelware. The company made mess kits and field kitchenware for the German army. Oskar asked Stern about his Jewish faith. He was interested in that.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Farewell 2016: actress Patty Duke

Farewell 2016:  actress Patty Duke by ric Gustafson

Actress Patty Duke made her Broadway debut as Helen Keller in 1959 The Miracle Worker. At the time she was twelve years old. In 1962, she won the Academy award for the same role in the film version. She had her own television show called the Patty Duke Show. The show ran from 1963 to 1966. She battled bipolar disorder and addiction. She suffered from anxiety attacks, depression and anorexia.
She used those battles to become an advocate for mental health and AIDS awareness. She was married four times. Patty Duke passed away on March 29 at the age of 69.

research help: ' Life Farewell' by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sunday, December 18, 2016

a List from Schindler page 3

a List from Schindler page 3 by ric Gustafson

In the kitchen of the villa, Schindler met Amon's maid. He found out that her name was actually Helen Hirsch. She was frightened. He told her not to be afraid of him. He kissed the middle of her forehead. She told Oskar about Amon shooting prisoners from his terrace. She gave Oskar some money that was hidden in a brick. She asked him to save her sister who was in the camp.
Oskar Schindler was born on April 28 1908 in Moravia Austria. His hometown was Zwittau. Oskar's father was Hans Schindler. Zwittau was a small city in the mountain range called the Jeseniks. Oskar attended a German grammar school. The family was Catholic Oskar's mother Louisa practiced her faith with gusto. The family lived in a modern villa with it's own garden. Oskar had a sister named Elfriede. He had a few Jewish friends. One neighbor was a rabbi named Dr Felix Kantor.
Race, blood and soil meant little to young Oskar.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Farewell 2016: Mr Hockey Gordie Howe

Farewell 2016:  Mr Hockey  Gordie Howe by ric Gustafson

The 2016-2017 Detroit Red Wings have a number 9 on their jerseys. Why?. On June 10 in Sylvania Ohio, Gordie Howe passed away. According to Wayne Gretzky, Howe was the greatest hockey player who had ever lived. Howe played the game longer than anyone else 26 seasons over five decades. He held the record for the most games played. He had humor, humility and also a mean streak. All he wanted from the sport was a little respect.

research help: Life Farewell by Time Inc

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

POP the bell ringer page 1

POP the bell ringer page 1 by ric Gustafson

David Uriah got out of the red Fusion. He locked it and began to walk toward the glass front door.
Ding Ding Ding
He could hear the familiar sound of the Salvation Army bell ringer. He walked up to the young dark bearded man who was wearing a heavy white robe.
As people walked up, the young man smiled from ear to ear.
David walked up to the red kettle. " Merry Christmas David". ' How did he know my name' I wondered as I put some loose coins into the kettle. " Merry Christmas".
The young man smiled at David. " A merry Christmas to you too David".
" I'm in Produce right inside the front door". I pointed. " If you get too cold, come inside".
" I will". He began to clang his bell. " Thank you David".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Romans 8:28 a conditional promise

Romans 8:28  a conditional promise by ric Gustafson

There is one conditional promise in this bible verse. This promise is for those who love God and are called for his purposes. This promise is for those who are called according to his purpose. We cannot imagine the wonderful gifts God has prepared for us. God has prepared a crown of life for those who love him. God has work for us to do. We must believe in God, love him and receive his call.
God is good and he is working in this world. He uses all things for his purposes and for our good.
My prayer on our walk with God is that we love and adore him. He promises in John 3:16 that who ever believes in him and follows him will have eternal life. Praise God.

The End

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 10

a healing touch page 10 by ric Gustafson

Crouching behind Jesus, I touched the frayed edge of his cloak. I felt a strange heat rush through me. My bleeding stopped. I slowly got up onto my feet in a daze. I tried to leave before Jesus found out what had happened.
Just then, Jesus stopped. " Who touched me?".
I stopped.
One of Jesus's followers named Peter spoke up. " Master, people are crowding and pressing against you". He stared at his Master. " What do you mean who touched you?".
Jesus looked around. " Someone deliberately touched me".
He kept looking around the large crowd. " I felt healing power go out of me".
I began to tremble from fear. I realized that I could not hide from him. I fell down at his feet. " It was I Master". I could hardly breathe. " Forgive me". I told Jesus the whole story of being unclean for twelve years. I began to cry.
Jesus knelt down next to me. " Daughter, your faith has healed you". He smiled. " Go in peace".
I stood up. I would never be the same again.
Later, Ethan told me that Jairus's daughter was raised from the dead by Jesus.

The End

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, December 16, 2016

we're off to see the Wizard page 6

we're off to see the Wizard page 6 by ric Gustafson

At age 30, Buddy Ebsen was hired to play the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. Ray Bolger was hired to play the Tin Woodsman. Bolger wanted to play the Scarecrow instead. Louis Mayer agreed and the two actors switched roles.
Buddy Ebsen was born in 1908 and started dancing when he was young. His father was a dance teacher and Ebsen even learned ballet. In 1928, Ebsen moved to New York City and became a chorus boy in musicals. Ebsen and his sister Vilma worked as a vaudeville act. MGM brought them to California for a screen test. They were hired for the film ' Broadway Melody of 1936'.
After Oz, Ebsen appeared in movies, musicals and comedies during the 1930's and 1940's. Ebsen joined the service and participated in World War II. After the war, he stayed busy with acting. In 1961, Ebsen became Jed Clampett in a show called The Beverly Hillbillies. The show ran from 1961 to 1971. In 1973, Ebsen starred in a detective series called Barnaby Jones. That show ran from 1973 to 1980. Ebsen retired in 1999.
Buddy Ebsen died in 2003.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 9

a healing touch page 9 by ric Gustafson

The next time I saw Jesus, he was coming off a boat. We were by the Sea of Galilee. His boat had been spotted and a crowd was already waiting for him. As he stepped out of the boat, the crowd descended on him.
As he played with children, a thought came to my mind. If I could only touch his garment, I could be well. I tried to reach him but the crowd was pressing around him. As I reached Jesus, a man arrived. He wore a robe and had gold rings on. He fell at Jesus's feet. He told Jesus that his name was Jairus and he was the leader of the synagogue in Capernaum. I smiled. It was Ethan's relative. He told Jesus that his daughter was dying. He begged Jesus to come to his house and save her. Jesus agreed to go to Jairus's house.
As they began to walk away, I knew my only chance had come.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Romans 8:28 a comforting promise

Romans 8:28  a comforting promise by ric Gustafson

God through Scripture tells us of all the good things he wants to give us. God is good and so are his promises. God has given us family, security, friends and interests. God is the giver of all these gifts. We are unworthy but God blesses us anyway. God does not create waste and allows no waste. God has his own timetable and uses all of our experiences good and bad.
God has a goal and path for us. Praise his name.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a List from Schindler page 2

a List from Schindler page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oskar entered through some double doors into a dining room. Two brothers were playing music. Henry Rosner was playing the violin and his brother Leo was playing an accordion. Amon Goeth had demanded that they take off their camp clothes and put on evening clothes.
At Amon's table was Julian Scherner who was head of the Cracow SS, Rolf Czurda who was in charge of the Cracow SD and five others. The only person that Oskar really liked was Julius Madritsch who ran the uniform factory in the camp. To the SS men, Oskar was a Sudeten German and they viewed him as different.
As the Rosner's played Strauss melodies, Oskar was introduced to four lovely ladies. Oskar knew that they were Cracow working girls. Before dinner, the talk was of the war. Herr Bosch talked to Oskar and inquired how his factory, Deutsche Emailwaren Fabrik was doing. Poles and Jews called the factory Emalia.
At dinner, Oskar noticed a servant girl serving them. Amon introduced her as Lena. She went back to the kitchen. Later, after dinner was over and Amon had left with one of the women. Oskar quietly headed toward the kitchen where Lena had gone.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, December 15, 2016

we're off to see the Wizard page 5

we're off to see the Wizard page 5 by ric Gustafson

Originally, Buddy Ebsen was cast as the Scarecrow and Ray Bolger was cast to play the Tin Woodsman. Because he was an improvisational dancer, Bolger told Mayer that he thought that he should play the Scarecrow. Mayer agreed and the two actors changed roles.
Ray Bolger was 34 when shooting began. He had a narrow handsome face and expressive eyes and mouth. He had a friendly quality that was perfect for the Scarecrow role. Bolger was born Raymond Bulcao in 1904. His first professional job was at the age of nineteen. He regarded himself as a comic actor. He spent years in vaudeville. He made his film debut in 1926. After Oz, he appeared in movies and stage until he retired in 1985.
Ray Bolger passed away in 1987.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a List from Schindler page 1

a List from Schindler page 1 by ric Gustafson

It is Autumn 1943 and a tall young man comes out of a Cracow Poland apartment building. He is wearing a double breasted dinner jacket with a gold on black enamel swastika in the lapel. He gets into an Adler limousine. From Straszewskiego Street, the car moved underneath the Wawel Castle where Hans Frank ruled the Government General of Poland. The car drove over the Podgorze Bridge and then along trolley tracks in the former Jewish Ghetto. Oskar Schindler began to chain smoke. Soon, he noticed the entrance to Labor Camp Plaszow which was a barracks town of 20,000 Jews.
The car drove past the Commandant's stables and then stopped 100 meters from the Commandant's villa. The villa was square built with an attic. Attached was a terraced patio with a balcony. An SS sergeant let him in. He had come for a party hosted by the camp's Commandant Amon Goeth.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

a healing touch page 8

a healing touch page 8 by ric Gustafson

" I say love your enemies" he exclaimed loudly.
The crowd stared at him in silence.
" Do good to those who hate you".
' How can I love my enemies' I thought to myself.
" Bless those who hate you".
I could not believe what he was saying.
" Pray for those who hurt you".
' How can I pray for Calvus and Avigail' I pondered.
The next time I saw Jesus ministering to the crowd, some elders of a centurion asked for his help. He had a servant who was gravely ill and was about to die. They asked Jesus to come to their aid. The centurion did not need Jesus to come to his house. He simply asked Jesus to just say a word and then he would know that his servant would be saved. Jesus turned to the crowd and exclaimed that he had not seen such faith like this Roman's in all of Israel.
Later, I heard from the innkeeper that the centurion's servant was healed by Jesus at that very moment.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

a healing touch page 7

a healing touch page 7 by ric Gustafson

One day, the innkeeper's wife came up to me. " That Jesus you came to see". She spoke in a Galilean accent. " He is on a nearby hillside teaching".
I gave her a surprised look. " He's here now!".
She smiled. " You better go before you miss him".
I frowned. " Can you give me directions?".
" One of our servants is going that way". She swatted at a fly. " You can follow him".
The servant and I reached the hillside. I had never seen so many people in one place. Men, women and children. All were drawn to this one man. I saw him from a distance. To me, he looked ordinary. He wore simple clothes and no jewelry. His voice was deep, strong and showed sweet warmth. I kept my distance from people because I was unclean.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

we;re off to see the Wizard page 4

we're off to see the Wizard page 4 by ric Gustafson

Casting for the Wizard of Oz started in 1938. Studio casting director Billy Grady had 120 lead actors and character actors under MGM contract. The first hurdle was who could play the lead character of Dorothy?.
MGM executives thought of Shirley Temple first. Musical arranger Roger Edens quickly realized that Temple was not a very good singer. Edens and Arthur Freed liked Judy Garland who was under contract. Garland was a professional performer. She had been on stage since she was two years old. MGM executives knew that Garland in such a large role was a big gamble.
Producer Arthur Freed loved Garland's natural gifts. Garland was too mature to be a child star and not groomed enough to be a leading lady. With Edens and Freed in her corner, MGM finally agreed for her to play Dorothy.
In September of 1938, she recorded two songs for the picture. She made an impression on her new co workers. She became a close friend to Margaret Hamilton. Garland was paid $ 500 a week which was about the lowest of all the OZ performers.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Romans 8:28 a comprehensive promise

Romans 8:28  a comprehensive promise by ric Gustafson

This bible verse mentions all things. When someone mentions all things, there is an assurance that there are no limits. There is no fine print and all sales are final. The Apostle Paul discusses his many trials. Paul speaks about his many sufferings and groanings. God uses our hard times for good. God uses our bad things for his plan for our lives. God is a sovereign God. God is the Lord of all. Everything in creation came from his hand.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 6

a healing touch page 6 by ric Gustafson

One day, Joanna told me a wild story. She was in Capernaum to hear this new prophet speak. She watched as a paralyzed man was lowered on a mat through the ceiling of a house. I asked her what happened next. She said that he healed the young man in front of everybody. She was eager to go back and hear him speak again. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. I was not sure. Later, I decided to travel alone to Capernaum and hear him speak for myself. Then I will decide if he is for real or not.
When I reached Capernaum, I decided to stay at an Inn. I gave the innkeeper plenty of denarii. The innkeeper told me that this Jesus speaks in different parts of the region from day to day. Nobody knew when he would appear in the city next.
I decided to wait for him to show up again.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Monday, December 12, 2016

a Golden Arch Christmas page 3

a Golden Arch Christmas page 3 by ric Gustafson

David took a bite of one of his cheeseburgers. " Even though things look very bad right now, I'm going to remain optimistic.".
She sipped her Coke. " I am glad that we are in here instead of out there in the storm".
He grinned. " God will always protect us and keep us safe".
" Ok David". She sighed. " I will try to remain optimistic".
Just then, the front door opened. A AAA driver walked in. " Sorry about the delay". He smiled. " This snowstorm is causing a lot of havoc this evening".
David shook his hand. " Thank you for coming in this storm".
" I heard about your cell phone". He handed David his phone. " You can use mine to call your brother".
" Thank you". He ran off to do that.
A second AAA driver walked in. " We have your car hooked up to be taken to town to be looked at".
Alice gave him a weak smile.
" We will also arrange a rental car so you can still get to your Christmas Day destination".
" Praise be to God" Alice exclaimed out loud.
David came back with a smile on his face. " My brother found our cell phone".
Alice smiled. " David, let's pray".
They lowered their heads. They prayed to God and silently said thank you for all the blessings God has given to them.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sunday, December 11, 2016

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2 by ric Gustafson

David looked at the teenage girl at the register. Her nametag said Sunday on it. " Sunday, I would like three one dollar Mcdoubles and a medium orange". He looked at his wife. " Alice, what would you like?".
She gave him an annoyed stare. " The number one combo". She brought napkins and ketchup back to the table. She sat down.
" 272" Sunday exclaimed out loud. She handed David a tray with their food.
" Thanks Sunday".
He sat down and handed his wife a Big Mac and some fries. He put his cheeseburgers in front of him. He glanced at his watch. " It is now past twelve midnight". He smiled at his wife. " Merry Christmas Alice".
" How could you ever call tonight merry?".
" Sweetheart, things could be worse".
" Worse" she yelled out loud. She threw an empty ketchup packet into the bag. " May I remind you that our car has broken down, we do not know how to get to my parents house and our only cell phone is missing". She pointed a finger at her husband. " How much worse can it get?".
David took a bite out of one of his cheeseburgers. " Even with all those strikes against us". He smiled. " I'm going to be optimistic about everything".
" You can't be serious". She gave him a stern look. " Tonight has been a disaster".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, December 9, 2016

Grace: grace for grace

Grace: grace for grace by ric Gustafson

One way to describe grace for grace from John 1:16 is an image of an ocean who's waves are coming in constantly. We do not earn grace and we do not deserve grace. We receive it as a gift from God and then share it with others. We are channels of God's resources.
The Apostle Paul knew that the secret of his ministry was the grace of God. As God's children, we can draw upon God's riches. We can draw upon the riches of his glory, the riches of his mercy, the riches of his wisdom and his unsearchable riches. According to Ephesians 2: 8-9, we are saved by grace through faith. Then God can work in us and through us for his glory.

research help: ' On Being a Servant of God' by Warren Wiersbe

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, December 8, 2016


12/08/1980 by ric Gustafson

It was around 11:00 pm on December 8 1980. The emergency room at New York's Roosevelt Hospital was busy as usual. All of a sudden, eyewitnesses could hear people shouting about a patient with a gunshot to the chest. A stretcher escorted by police was rushed into a trauma room. Eyewitnesses heard police officers exclaim that the victim was John Lennon.
On the morning of December 8, John Lennon started his last day by having a photo shoot done by Anne Leibovitz. After that, he did an interview with the RKO Radio Network. Around 4:00 pm, John and Yoko headed outside the Dakota building to get into a car and drive to the Hit Factory. Lennon noticed a young man with his new album who had been hanging around the entrance. He walked up to sign it. Mark David Chapman smiled as he did so.
At the Hit Factory, John and Yoko worked on a final mix for one of Yoko's songs. At about 10:30 pm, they decided to call it a night. The car dropped them off at the front curb of the Dakota. As the couple walked toward the front gate, Mark David Chapman stepped out of the shadows, got into a stance and fired four shots into John Lennon's back. Lennon collapsed in the office of the Dakota's doorman. 911 was called. Two police officers arrived, put Lennon in the back of the car and raced to Roosevelt Hospital. Yoko followed. Chapman was arrested.
Lennon's wounds were massive and he had lost a lot of blood. The trauma staff was unable to save him. John Lennon was pronounced dead at 11:15 pm.
Mark David Chapman remains in prison to this day.

The End

research help: ' John Lennon' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1 by ric Gustafson

The storm's cold flakes coated David Munry's face as he slowly opened the heavy frozen door. His wife squeezed in behind him as the wind closed it quickly.
" Did you bring in the map? Alice Munry asked as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. " I can't believe all of our bad luck".
He handed her the map. He felt inside a pant pocket for change. " I'm going to call and find out how soon they can get here". He walked over to the pay phone.
She sat down and then began to stare at the map.
He came back with a sad look on his face. " Because of the blizzard". His voice hesitated. " AAA is not sure when they can get here".
" That's just great" she retorted as she looked up from the map. " It's Christmas Eve and you have no clue which exit it is to my parent's house".
" First of all, I can't find my directions to your parent's new house". He cleared his throat. " Second of all, I must of left our only cell phone at my brother's house".
She stared at her husband. " So what do we do now?".
" This McDonald's is open 24 hours a day". He glanced over at the menu board. " I suggest we eat something and wait for AAA to come".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Romans 8:28 a certain promise

Romans 8:28  a certain promise

Trials will occur at times during our life. But God is good and he will be to protect and be with us. Romans 8:28 is the heart of God's Word, the heart of God's character and all of our lives.
There is a certain promise in this verse from Romans. The Apostle Paul is reminding us that we know that God is in control. God is telling us that he is in control. God is telling us that no matter what is happening in your life right now, God is in complete control. God's plan for us is for the ultimate good. God is working all the time in all things for the good of us his believers.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

we're off to see the Wizard page 3

we're off to see the Wizard page 3 by ric Gustafson

On January 26 1934, Sam Goldwyn bought the film rights to Oz for 40,000 from Baum's son Frank. Goldwyn wanted to shoot the picture in three strip Technicolor. Louis B Mayer picked one man to get Oz off the ground. This was Executive Irving Thalberg. He had joined the studio in 1924 and brought intense focus and a steady work ethic. Thalberg was slight, good looking and well dressed. The educated young man married MGM star Norma Shearer and joined Hollywood royalty. Tragically, he was sickly and died in 1936. He was only thirty seven years old.
Mayer picked Mervyn LeRoy to produce the Wizard of Oz. A budget of $ 3.7 million was decided upon for Production 1060. Normal MGM big pictures were shot in eight weeks. Production 1060 ended up to be a 22 week shoot.
44 year old Arthur Freed was picked to be Associate Producer for Production 1060. He read the Oz books since he was a boy and loved the story.
LeRoy and Freed knew that casting was the first hurdle to tackle.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: through many dangers toils and snares I have already come

Grace: through many dangers toils and snares I have already come by ric Gustafson

A good example of someone going through dangers toils and snares was the Apostle Paul. He survived a murder plot from the Jews and then the Greeks. He was nearly stoned to death and then dragged out of a city.
We go through dangers, toils and snares ourselves. We have lost loved ones, gone through divorces, been out of work and have trouble paying our bills. We go through danger when we are afraid. We go through toil when we have to labor almost beyond endurance. As Christians, we share in eternal glory. As God's people we will have a thorn in the flesh. While we go through tough times, God loves us. God has wonderful things planned for us. God does not always give us what we want. When we pray, we need to listen for God's voice. There is power in the grace of God. God teaches us through our struggles.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

we're off to see the Wizard page 2

we're off to see the Wizard page 2 by ric Gustafson

Lyman Frank Baum was born in Chittenango New York in 1856. Baum's father made a fortune in oil and he spent a lot of time with his mother Cynthia, two older sisters and three brothers. Young Baum loved the outdoors and nature. In 1882, L Frank Baum married Maud Gage. They moved to Aberdeen South Dakota Territory in 1888. In 1891, the Baum's moved to Chicago.
Baum was a storyteller and enjoyed reading his stories to children. Oz had been in Baum's mind for years. He wrote The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz. It was published in 1900. Later, the title was shortened to The Wizard of Oz. Baum had to declare bankruptcy in 1911. In order to pay off his debts, he authorized a film version of his novel.
L Frank Baum died in May 1919. He was sixty two years old.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: the hour I first believed

Grace: the hour I first believed by ric Gustafson

According to the Book of Acts, a young man by the name of Saul was attacking the young church of the Way. According to Acts 8:3, he was dragging away believers to imprisonment. He felt that he had found his calling. He was not satisfied. He goes to the high priest and asks permission to persecute followers of the Way in Damascus.
As Saul approached Damascus, he met Jesus on the road. He asks Saul why he is persecuting him?. Saul is blinded by a light. Saul asks the question " who are you Lord?". Saul is without sight for three days. In that time he did not eat or drink.
A man named Ananias came and put his hands on Saul's eyes. They opened. Grace was given to Saul that day.
Saul became the Apostle Paul.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Monday, December 5, 2016

we're off to see the Wizard page 1

we're off to see the Wizard page 1 by ric Gustafson

MGM Studios began in 1924. Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures and Louis B Mayer became MGM. The studio was established in Culver City California near Los Angeles. MGM became one of the four major movie studios in Hollywood. The others were 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Warner Bros. Other studios in the area included Universal, Columbia and RKO.
The MGM Studios stretched across 185 acres. During World War II, around 4,000 employees kept the place going. Lot I sat on forty four acres. This included twenty eight sound stages and nearly two hundred permanent buildings. The main office building included publicity, casting, special effects, sound, and the commissary.
Lot II occupied thirty seven acres. Here were the animation department and various false front buildings. Lot III and IV included various period buildings, working zoo and parking lot. Lot V had stables and corrals for horses. Lot VI included the studio nursery. The studio ran on six day workweeks and released one movie per week. Profits soared until 1946 when movie attendance fell dramatically.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: was blind but now I see

Grace: was blind but now I see by ric Gustafson

When we receive salvation, we become a new person. At first, we feel as if nothing has changed. We still struggle with compulsive habits, temptations and sin. According to Philippians 2:12, we have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. As time goes on, as a believer we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly. We begin to think with the mind of Jesus.
We must let the Spirit of God face our sin in our soul. God's judgment is according to integrity. God's judgment is according to opportunity. God's judgment is according to mortality. God's judgment is according to impartiality. God's judgment is according to certainty.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Grace: I once was lost but now am found

Grace: I once was lost but now am found by ric Gustafson

Jesus enjoyed telling stories or parables. Some of these stories were about the lost and found. There was a story of a shepherd looking for a lost sheep. Jesus told a story about a lost coin. His last story on this subject is well known as the story of the Prodigal Son. It is a well known story. One day, a son asked his father for his inheritance. It was given to him and he left for a distant land. He spent all of his money and was very hungry and desperate. He decided to come home. He came home and his father was happily waiting for him. A welcome home party happened. The older brother was very jealous. He received condemnation from his father. He was told that his long lost brother was lost and then was found. What joy.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 5

a healing touch page 5 by ric Gustafson

My life was getting desperate. One day, I decided to sell my beloved tapestry. One day, Ethan came back. He bought my tapestry. He also told me that a new prophet in Galilee was performing miracles. He told me that his wife's cousin named Jairus had heard him speak. One day, my sister Joanna talked about this new prophet . She told me that his name was Jesus of Nazareth.
One day, a letter from Ethan came. He informed me that he wanted to stop so I could meet another one of his daughters. Her name was Rachel. He was to going to Capernaum to visit Jairus his wife's cousin.
I had been bleeding for twelve years now. At this point, I began to wonder if this affliction would ever go away.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Grace: that saved a wretch like me

Grace: that saved a wretch like me by ric Gustafson

What and who is a wretch?. Wretch is a term for a sinner like me. Wretch in the Old English means someone who is miserable an exile. We are miserable human beings in a self imposed exile. The Apostle Paul points out in Romans 3 that we are ruined and helpless in the sight of God. Paul points out that no one is righteous not one. Grace is apart from works. Grace is accepted by faith. Grace is available to all who believe. Grace is attained by justification. Grace is awarded freely. Grace is acquired through redemption.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 4

a healing touch page 4 by ric Gustafson

One day, a man named Calvus showed up at my door. At one time, we were to be married. He married someone else. Now he tells me that he divorced her and loves me instead. One day, my old flame Ethan showed up on my doorstep. He asked me how long my bleeding had gone on. I told him it had been eleven years now. I told him that I had tried everything possible and had seen lots of doctors. I also told him that I had grown closer to God through my affliction.
Ethan said he was sorry for leaving me all those years ago. We talked about our quiet divorce and the years that followed. He told me about his eight year old daughter Viriato and her many activities. I reminded him again that I was unclean. He left. I did not tell him that my money was about gone. After one more month financially,  I did not know what I was going to do.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Grace: amazing grace how sweet the sound

Grace: amazing grace how sweet the sound by ric Gustafson

As humans, we want our own way. If somebody does something to us, we want to get even. Grace changes the wisdom of human behavior. A good example of grace is the Apostle Paul. Here was a man who seized Christians and took them away. Grace came knocking on Saul's door. He changed his name to Paul and his person. This Apostle wrote 130 references to grace in the New Testament.
The Greek word for grace is charis. Grace is favor. Grace happens. Grace can only come from God. God is the God of all grace.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Grace: a grace giver

Grace: a grace giver by ric Gustafson

We as Christians have received divine clemency. We need to live out our gratitude for God's grace. When God saved us from eternal damnation, he put his Holy Spirit into us. Our calling is to live in a matter worthy of Jesus. Because God showers us with grace, he wants to do the same to others.
Grace originates from God. We must learn to think as God does. When God is at work, grace will abound. Grace is a gift and will change your life. We need to ask God to fill our heart with grace.
As grace givers, we need to find ways to show kindness to others.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Saturday, November 26, 2016

a healing touch page 3

a healing touch page 3 by ric Gustafson

It was now nine years since my bleeding started. I had found out that Herod Antipas had fallen in love with his brother's wife Herodias. .I was forced to sell some of my furnishings in order to pay for doctors.
One day, I went to a doctor in Perea. He diagnosed that I had acute effwium of blood. He examined me with metal instruments. The doctor gave me a poulette. Part of the doctor's treatment for me was to go to the Jordan River. Along the river bank, I accidently fell in.
After the failure with this doctor, my bleeding got worse. I felt more horrible than before.
After nine years of this constant bleeding, I did not know what to do.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, November 25, 2016

Grace: spending time with unbelievers

Grace: spending time with unbelievers by ric Gustafson

God wants us to show grace to others. Grace is from God. Christians are ambassadors of grace. Sometimes we don't recognize opportunities to show grace to others. God wants us to demonstrate grace to unbelievers in this world. Grace draws people to God.
Sin drives unbelievers to destructive habits. To escape sin, we need to be spiritually crucified with Jesus. This world is full of hurting people. We feel betrayed and rejected. A gift of grace can heal a wounded soul. Life can be horrible if one does not believe in God. Grace is a gift. Grace brings hope and joy. Grace mends what is broken. Grace draws people to God.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

a healing touch page 2

a healing touch page 2 by ric Gustafson

I have been bleeding for over two years now. It has made me thinner and often tired. I am also lonely for just a touch or an embrace. My sister Joanna had just informed me that she is going to have a baby.
In the third year of my bleeding, Doctor Sira brought me a crocus from Greece. This medicine was a mixture of cumin and fenugreek. He boiled it in water. Then he gave it to me to drink. The concoction did not work. One time, I reached six days without bleeding. On the seventh day, the bleeding began again. I could not go to the well to draw water because of the taunts and bad things the women were saying of me.
During the fourth year of my bleeding, I went to Jerusalem to visit Gamaliel. He was a member of the Sanhedrin. He asked me if I had passed judgment on God. I said no I had not. He told me to repent my sins to God. That night, I did just that.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Grace: spending time with other believers

Grace: spending time with other believers by ric Gustafson

Sometimes grace is in short supply even among believers of God. One possible reason is that we lose sight of our daily need for grace. We take our salvation for granted. We forget that we are sinners saved by grace. Our heart becomes oblivious to God's grace. God's grace goes out to everyone outcasts and unacceptable people alike. God wants our churches to be churches of grace. God wants us to be people of grace. Everyone needs grace. People of grace focus on God not themselves.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Thanksgiving. Love Ric

a healing touch page 1

a healing touch page 1 by ric Gustafson

My name is Elianna. Twelve months ago I started bleeding. Sometimes it would stop but then it would start again. According to the Law, seven uninterrupted days must pass before one could be considered clean once again. I rarely left the house because the pain was so bad.
I have seen three physicians already. No one is sure what to do with me. Anytime I get up from a couch, I consider it unclean. For a whole year, this bleeding sickness has plagued me. The third doctor I saw gave me a concoction that made me vomit for three days. One doctor named Sira instructed me to stand at an intersection of two small roads. After seeing so many doctors, I began to wonder if I was ever going to be healed of this bleeding.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Thanksgiving. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

the tangled vines page 6

the tangled vines page 6 by ric Gustafson

Mitchell Vine walked up to his wife as she put bread into the toaster. " Morning sweetheart".
" Morning". She yawned as she took orange juice out of the refrigerator. She filled three glasses. " You know that Jimmy's game is this afternoon".
" I sure do". He winked at his son. " In fact, I've cleared my schedule so I can go to it".
The doorbell rang.
" That's great Dad". Jimmy opened the front door. It was Mr Nates.
" Sorry to interrupt breakfast". He smiled. " I'm done pruning that tangled bush".
" That's great". She walked out of the room. She came back holding a check. " Here's the money we owe you".
Mitchell grinned. " Mr Nates, we owe you a ton of thanks".
" Why is that?".
He hugged Louise and Jimmy. " Mr Nates, since you've been here working on that bush, my relationship with my wife and son has greatly improved".
Louise smiled at Mr Nates. " My relationship with my husband has greatly improved".
Jimmy put his arms around his parents. " I'm going to be more open about my feelings".
Jack glanced at the check. He handed it back to Louise. " The great things that have happened to this family is payment enough".
" Are you sure Mr Nates?".
" Absolutely". He looked at his watch. " It's time for me to go to my next job".
Jesus hugged all three of them. He walked out to his truck. He drove off with a smile on his face.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Grace: a person of grace

Grace: a person of grace by ric Gustafson

God wants us to be a messenger of grace. God wants us to be involved in his miraculous work. God wants us to be gracious with grace. He wants us to choose our words carefully. He wants us to be accountable for every word we say. Words hold power and God wants only good words to come out of our mouths. Our words have the power to give life to others. Words of grace from God can give people hope. Giving grace to others is not easy.
Human relationships depend on communication. Our words affect those relationships. God can transform anyone into a person of grace.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

the tangled vines page 5

the tangled vines page 5 by ric Gustafson

Mitchell was finishing up a presentation. The desk phone buzzed. He pushed the talk button. " Yes Lisa".
" I'm sorry to bother you Mr Vine". The voice hesitated. " There is somebody out here to see you".
' I wonder who that is' he thought to himself as he scratched his chin in thought. He was not expecting anyone. " Ok, send them in".
Jack Nates walked in and sat down.
" Mr Nates" Mitchell replied with a surprised stare. " What are you doing here?".
" I was in the area". He smiled. " I wanted to let you know that I am just about done with your bush".
He gave him a strange look. " You came all the way out here just to tell me that".
" I was talking to your son Jimmy earlier". He quickly glanced around the office. " He was looking forward to his basketball game tomorrow".
" I have a presentation tomorrow". He sighed. " I don't know if I can go or not".
" Jimmy is a good kid". Jack smiled. " Why not surprise him and give him your support".
" I will think about it Mr Nates". He stood up and shook his hand. " Thank you for stopping by".
Jack opened the office door. " You are welcome". He smiled as he walked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Monday, November 21, 2016

Grace: an expression of God's heart

Grace: an expression of God's heart by ric Gustafson

God's nature is perfect and his love is unfailing. Grace is a gift no one deserves. God sent his only Son to pay the price for our pride and selfishness. We have been saved by grace. We need God's grace every day. Because God showers us with grace, we are to show grace to others.
Jesus came to earth full of grace and truth. God's throne is the throne of grace. God's grace is powerful. God has a storeroom full of grace ready for us.
God looks at us through eyes of grace.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

the tangled vines page 4

the tangled vines page 4 by ric Gustafson

Jack was walking back to his truck. He noticed a teenager shooting baskets. He walked up. He shook his hand. " Hi, I'm Jack Nates".
The teen shot the ball into the basket. " I'm Jimmy Vines".
" You don't look very happy Jimmy".
" I have a lot on my mind right now". He shot the ball in the basket. " School, a girlfriend, things like that".
Jack smiled. " Have you talked to your parents about these things?".
" They won't listen". He did an easy layup. " They never do".
" Jimmy, your parents are good people". He took some lawn bags out of his truck. " You should talk to them and give them a chance". He smiled again. " They might surprise you".
" Ok". He took one more shot with the ball. " I will talk to them". He walked into the garage.
Jack smiled as he took the bags and went back to work.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Saturday, November 19, 2016

the tangled vines page 3

the tangled vines page 3 by ric Gustafson

Louise Vine looked through the kitchen window at Mr Nates. She watched as he carefully pruned away the tangled vines. He cut them up and put them into a recycle lawn bag.
' He must be cold out there' she thought. She took two packets of hot cocoa out of the pantry. " I'll bring him a cup of hot cocoa so he can warm up". She walked outside. She walked up to him. " Morning Mr Nates".
" Good morning Mrs Vine". He stopped what he was doing. He blew on his hands. " It's nippy out this morning".
" It sure is". She handed him one of the mugs she had. " I brought you some hot chocolate that I just heated up".
" Thank you".
They both took a sip of the warm liquid.
He began to prune one of the tangled vines. " You seem tense Mrs Vine".
" I've been upset at my husband lately". She pointed at the bush. " One reason is that bush".
" Mitchell is a good man" he replied as kept pruning away. " He tries hard to take care of you and your son".
" I know". She took another sip of her hot chocolate. " I'm going to tell him that I'm sorry".
He kept pruning. " I'm glad to hear that". He handed her his mug. " Thanks for the hot chocolate".
She began to walk back toward the house. " Good luck with that bush".
Nate smiled as he began pruning again.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, November 18, 2016

Grace: upgraded Christians

Grace: upgraded Christians by ric Gustafson

As Christians, we are always heading toward God. When we are upgraded, according to Ephesians 2:3-10, God reroutes us to a better place. Now, the Holy Spirit guides us to receive everything that God has prepared for us. We were going our own way spiritually dead. God made us alive and we are now free.
Sometimes Christians will stray off of their spiritual paths. They will become graceless and self centered. What happens is that we lose sight of grace. When this happens, we need to confess to God that we are a sinner. When we seek God's mercy, God will forgive us. When God forgives us, we should forgive others.

research help: ' Putting a Face on Grace' by Richard Blackaby

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

the tangled vines page 2

the tangled vines page 2 by ric Gustafson

" I'm not sure if I can go to Jimmy's game or not" Mitchell said as he heard the doorbell ring. " I have a lot of work to do this afternoon". It was 7:30 in the morning. Mitchell wondered who it was this early in the morning.
He opened the door to reveal a young dark bearded man. He was wearing a white sweatshirt and white coveralls.
" Hi, I'm Jack Nates". He pointed toward his truck. " Nates Pruning".
" Oh yes, the big bush in the back". He glanced at his watch. " I wasn't expecting you this early in the morning".
" I like to start early".
He led the young man outside to where the bush was. " Here it is".
Jack studied the tangled vines of the bush. " I'll get started on it right away".
Mitchell stared at the young man's coveralls. " Aren't your clothes going to get dirty?".
Jack smiled. " In all the years that I have been doing this". He grinned at Mitchell. " I have never gotten these white clothes dirty".
" Ok".

research help: original srory

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Grace: a Son is born

Grace: a Son is born by ric Gustafson

According to Luke 2:11, today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you he is Christ the Lord. It is a simple message that a boy the Savior came to earth as a baby. Why did God do this?. God had to send his Son. Because of our sins, we are separated from God. A perfect Savior and Mediator is needed to bring us together. Only God can do this. Because God sent his Son, our relationship with God is restored. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because he was sinless. Jesus gave himself on a cross. God accepted his sacrifice and raised him from the dead.
The greatest gift we can ever receive is the gift of Jesus the Son of God.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

the tangled vines page 1

the tangled vines page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mitchell Vine took the slice of wheat toast from the small white toaster. He put some butter and apple jelly on it. He put it on a plate and then sat down in a chair at a small island.
" Mitchell" Louise Vine exclaimed as she stared out the large kitchen window. " It's almost Thanksgiving". She poured a cup of coffee and put it next to his plate. " You need to prune that tangled bush before winter comes".
" I know".
She stared at her husband. " You can't put it off any longer".
" I am so busy with work right now". He glanced at his watch. " I just don't have the time".
" Then call someone who prunes bushes to come and do it". She looked out the window at the bush again. " It needs to be done".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: bringing good news

Grace: bringing good news by ric Gustafson

The majority of the news we hear today is bad news. Crime, terrorism, war, an economic crisis surrounds us every day. Yet there are times when we hear good news. Two Old Testament prophets came bearing good news to weary people.
One of these prophets was named Nahum. According to Nahum 1:15, a messenger is coming over the mountains with good news. He is bringing a message of peace. At the first Christmas, an angel told the local shepherds to not be afraid that he was bringing good news. A Savior the Messiah Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem the city of David. The best good news we have ever heard is that Jesus the Savior is born.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Grace: giving Jesus first place

Grace: giving Jesus first place by ric Gustafson

According to Luke 1: 49, God the Mighty One has done great things for me. No matter what storms happen during this Christmas season, it should not spoil the real meaning of the holiday. We need to stay focused on Jesus and share his blessings with others. In order to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, we need to give Jesus first place in our lives.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3 by ric Gustafson

" No". Mr Morgan stared at the stranger. " And it doesn't sound like it will either".
" That's too bad". The stranger sighed. " I was looking forward to it".
" So were our residents".
The stranger smiled. " Do you have any turkey at all?".
Sunday pointed toward a nearby pan. " We have maybe four or five slices left".
Jesus grinned. " Have the residents sit down".
Thirty minutes later, the residents had all taken their places at the tables.
Jesus began to pray over the pan. After a minute, he looked up. " Go ahead and serve like you normally do".
The residents began to form a line table by table. The Gardner family began to serve the turkey and the other food. Turkey kept coming out of the pan.
When everyone was fed and satisfied, the Gardner family picked up twelve trays of leftovers.
Mr Morgan sat down in a chair. He began to contemplate the miracle he had just witnessed.
Jesus smiled and then walked out.
Just then, Martin ran through the front door. " I can't find Lucas anywhere".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Monday, November 14, 2016

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 2

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 2 by ric Gustafson

Martin ladled mashed potatoes into a large pan. The kitchen door opened. Sunday ran in with fear in her eyes.
" The carved turkey is gone".
" What!" Mr Morgan exclaimed as he looked up from coffee pots he was filling. " I just put three pans into the serving wells".
" I think I saw Martin's friend running out the door with them".
" Oh no!" Martin replied. He ran out the kitchen door. " Lucas". He ran toward the front door. He watched as a shopping cart went over a nearby hill.
Gobble Gobble
Mr Morgan ran out the kitchen door. " Martin, what just happened?".
" I'm sorry Mr Morgan" Martin quietly said as he ran out the front door. " I need to go find my friend".
Mr Morgan sat down in a chair. He covered his face with his hands. " Now what am I gonna do?". A tear came down his face. " Our residents are coming soon and I have no turkey to serve them".
Just then, the front door opened. A tall lanky bearded man wearing white walked in. " Has the Thanksgiving meal started yet?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Sunday, November 13, 2016

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 1

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 1 by ric Gustafson

John Morgan was bringing out a large pan of carved turkey. He smiled as he noticed the people coming in. " Welcome Gardner family". He put the pan into one of the serving wells. " I'm just about done getting the turkey ready".
Gobble Gobble Gobble
" What was that?".
" Sorry Mr Morgan". Martin smiled. " My friend Lucas just wanted to say hi".
The shelter Director held out a hand. " Hello Lucas".
Gobble Gobble I don't have arms or hands
He scratched his chin. " What did your friend say?".
" He said glad to meet you".
Just then, a young woman brought out a large pan of cranberry sauce.
" Oh Sunday". He smiled as she put the pan in the server. " The Gardner family here is going to help serve".
Gobble Gobble
" And this is their friend Lucas".
" Nice to meet all of you". She walked back into the kitchen.
" She's a hard worker". Mr Morgan began putting hot water into the serving wells. " She and her mother have been residents here for a long time".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, November 11, 2016

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 6

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 6 by ric Gustafson

Martin walked into his bedroom.
Lucas was hiding in a corner.  Gobble Gobble sorry Martin
" That's ok". He smiled at his friend. " I understand".
" Martin, we are going to be leaving soon for the shelter".
" Ok Mom".
Gobble Gobble what's a shelter
" Every year, my family goes to a homeless shelter and helps with a meal".
A short time later.
" Martin, are you ready to go?".
" I'll be right down Mom". He smiled at Lucas. " Would you like to come with us to the shelter?".
Gobble Gobble Sure

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Grace: God came for me

Grace: God came for me by ric Gustafson

According to I John 4:9, God loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son into the world that we might have eternal life. God is love and he came searching for us. The main reason that Jesus came to earth is because of love for us. The story of Jesus is a story of love. Love does involve pain and disappointment. God will go to any length to get us back to him.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 5

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 5 by ric Gustafson

" Would you like some mashed potatoes Lucas? Henry Gardner asked. He passed the bowl to the turkey.
Gobble Gobble what are mashed potatoes.
" What did he say?".
" Sometimes he's hard to understand". Martin picked up the bowl. " I'll put some on his plate".
" I heard something strange on the radio earlier" Audra Gardner exclaimed as she put some turkey on her plate. " There's a reward for information on a missing turkey that has been on the loose in town".
Gobble Gobble what's a reward.
" What did you say Lucas?".
Martin grinned. " He said that this has been a wonderful meal".
Audra passed the plate of turkey to Lucas. " Would you like some turkey Lucas?".
Gobble Gobble Gobble No! He jumped off the chair and ran out of the room.
" Martin what's wrong with your friend?".
" The holidays make him very emotional". He dabbed his mouth with a napkin. " May I be excused?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

the Good Life: thirsting for God

the Good Life: thirsting for God by ric Gustafson

According to Psalm 42:1, as the deer longs for streams of water so I long for you O God. We desperately thirst for something in this life. God wants us to thirst for him. What do we spend time searching for?. Do we long for something this world cannot provide. When we are thirsty, God wants us to run to him. He alone can give us the water that we need for our thirsty souls.  We can drink deeply of this water and be satisfied. God promises that to us every day.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 4

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 4 by ric Gustafson

Martin quietly closed the bedroom door. He pulled the blanket off of Lucas. " You'll be safe here".
Gobble Gobble where are we
" My bedroom". He put a CD into the player. He turned it on.
Gobble Gobble what are you doing
Loud music came out of the box.
" This is one of my favorite music groups".
Gobble Gobble what is music
" Martin, who are you talking to?".
" Just my friend Lucas". His voice hesitated. " Mom".
" Yes".
" Lucas has no where to go tomorrow for Thanksgiving". He looked at his new friend. " Can he eat with us?".
" I'm sorry to hear that".
Martin turned down the volume.
" Of course he can".
Gobble Gobble no turkey
" What did your friend say?".
" Lucas said thank you".
" I need you to come downstairs and help me get ready for tomorrow".
" Ok Mom". He smiled at Lucas. " You'll be safe here".
Gobble Gobble thank you.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Grace: a new life

Grace: a new life by ric Gustafson

According to John 10:10, God's purpose is to give everyone a rich and satisfying life. Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season. The Christmas message is that God loves the world so much that he gave his only Son to die for us and save us. Christmas goes beyond gifts and parties. Christmas must focus on Jesus Christ. According to John 10:10, Jesus came that we may have a rich and satisfying life.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 3

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 3 by ric Gustafson

The bus door slowly opened. Martin walked up to the coin machine. He hung unto Lucas.
Gobble Gobble
" What was that? the driver exclaimed. He stared at Lucas.
" Sorry" Martin replied. He put his money into the machine. " My friend has trouble with his voice".
The driver scratched his chin. " Is your friend going to pay his fare?".
Gobble Gobble I do not know what money is.
" What did he say?".
" He's hard to understand". He took some coins out of a pant pocket. " I'll pay his fare".
The driver kept staring at Lucas. They walked back to some open seats. They sat down.
" Why did you escape from the turkey farm?".
Gobble Gobble I wanted to live.
" I don't blame you for that". He stared at his new friend. " What are you going to do after Thanksgiving?".
Gobble Gobble I don't know.
After a while, Martin pulled the cord. " Lucas, my house is just down the street". He smiled at his new friend. " I will do my best to hide you until after Thanksgiving".
Gobble Gobble thank you.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Saturday, November 5, 2016

the Good Life: Jesus has risen

the Good Life: Jesus has risen by ric Gustafson

According to Luke 24: 34, the Lord has really risen. Three days after his crucifixion, Jesus approached two travelers heading toward the village of Emmaus. Jesus walked with them and ate dinner with them. Jesus even taught them a lesson from Old Testament prophecy.
Because of this encounter, the two men returned to Jerusalem and proclaimed to the disciples that the Lord had risen.
Praise God that Jesus is alive and saved us from eternal damnation.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: living in the light

Grace: living in the light by ric Gustafson

According to Isaiah 9:2, for those who live in a land of deep darkness a light will shine. Gift bearing wise men and homeless shepherds came to Jesus the light of the world. God points us to the light. God points us to his Son. The light of Jesus is for everyone. This sinful world is a dark place. Jesus being the light of the world will illuminate even our darkest days.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Friday, November 4, 2016

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 2

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 2 by ric Gustafson

Martin stared at the scared pair of eyes. " You are the turkey everyone is looking for".
Gobble Gobble Yes
Todd could hear his friend talking to himself. " Are you ok?".
" Yes, I'm just talking to myself".
He turned to walk away. " I'm going to walk home from here".
Gobble Gobble
He turned around. " What was that?".
" Nothing". Martin waved goodbye to his friend as he walked away. " I'll see you in class in two days".
His friend walked away.
Martin could see the city bus coming down the hill. He looked at the scared turkey. " I'll protect you". He smiled. " But you'll have to come home with me".
Gobble Gobble Ok
The bus pulled up to the curb and opened it's door.
" What's your name?".
Gobble Gobble Lucas
" Lucas, I'm going to put a blanket from my backpack over you".
Lucas walked out from the bush.
" Hopefully, nobody will notice".
Gobble Gobble Ok

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: I can know God

Grace: I can know God by ric Gustafson

What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received?. For Christians, this gift is Jesus Christ who brought peace and forgiveness to us. According to I Chronicles 16: 8-13, we need to give thanks to Jesus and his greatness. The whole world needs to know what he has done for us. We need to sing his praises and tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. We need to exult, rejoice and worship Jesus's name. We need to continually seek him and thank him for his wonders and miracles.
Praise Jesus's name to all the world.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Thursday, November 3, 2016

the Good Life: Jesus paid our debt

the Good Life: Jesus paid our debt by ric Gustafson

Can we beat death and debt. The answer is yes. Jesus paid our debt. The debt of sin is separation from God. Jesus gave up his life and was crucified on a cross. Jesus paid what we owe and lifted us from the crushing debt of our sins.
Jesus removed the sting of death. We have victory over sin and death by repenting. We need to repent and believe in Jesus's death and resurrection. Through Jesus we can beat death.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Grace: Immanuel God is with us

Grace: Immanuel God is with us by ric Gustafson

In 735 B.C. the prophet Isaiah named Jesus. This was 730 years before he was born. Isaiah prophesized that a virgin will give birth to a son and name him Immanuel. Immanuel means God is with us. Our focus should be on Jesus's deity.
God came to be with us. God had human skin and wore human clothes. We should not feel alone or afraid. Because God is Immanuel. God is with us always.
Read Isaiah 7: 10-14

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Grace: a personal relationship with Jesus

Grace: a personal relationship with Jesus by ric Gustafson

Christmas starts with Jesus Christ. God gave us the best Christmas present we could ever receive. This free gift was his Son Jesus. God is not a mystical force. He is a personal God who loves all people of all nations and classes. During this Thanksgiving and Christmas season we need to focus on the real meaning of the holidays. According to John 3: 16-21, that reason is Jesus.

research help: ' Gift of Grace' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings this holiday season. Love Ric

the Good Life: the only door to heaven

the Good Life: the only door to heaven by ric Gustafson

Some people believe in many enlightened spiritual leaders. Jesus tells us different. Jesus says that he is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to God except through Jesus. Jesus is the only way to know God. As the Son of God, Jesus proved his spiritual authority by his death and resurrection. Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins for all time.
There is no new path to salvation. Jesus is the only way.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 1

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 1 by ric Gustafson

" So did you go back to see the witch?" Todd Reed asked. He yawned as he patiently waited for the city bus to come over the hill.
" No" replied Martin Gardner. He sat down on a worn green bench. " I spent two hours walking up and down Main Street looking for a turkey somebody thought they saw".
" I'm going to walk down the sidewalk and wait for the bus".
Martin kept staring at the incoming traffic for the number 5 to come.
Gobble Gobble
Martin heard the noise and turned around. " What was that?". He turned to watch for the bus.
Gobble Gobble
He turned again toward a large bush that was behind the bench. He shook his head and turned again to wait for the bus.
Gobble Gobble Hey you!
Martin turned his head to see a pair of scared eyes peeking through the bush.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 2

the pumpkin patch page 2 by ric Gustafson

One day, Alex heard a noise. " Someone's coming".
" I hear him" Doreen replied with joy in her voice. " And he's carrying a basket".
The elderly man in white scooped down and picked up Miguel.
" He picked me" he replied in gladness. The man put him into his large basket.
" He picked me too" Doreen squealed. The man put her into his basket.
" He won't pick me". Alex sighed. " Nobody ever does". Just then, he smiled.
The elderly man put him into his basket.
Later, God washed off the pumpkins. He cut off the tops and scooped out all of the insides. He cut a smiling face into each one and then put a candle into each of them. He set them by the front door.
On the night of Halloween.
" Smile everyone" Doreen said with a joyful noise. " The kids are coming".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 30, 2016

the pumpkin patch page 1

the pumpkin patch page 1 by ric Gustafson

Doreen wasn't sure who was there. " Miguel, are you there?".
" Yes I am" was the reply. " I'm just over to your right".
" Are you there Alex?".
" Yes, I'm in the back".
Doreen exclaimed with excitement in her voice. " I sure hope we get picked today".
Miguel spoke up. " I hear something".
" The kids are coming" Alex said with a shout. " Everyone get ready".
All three pumpkins waited patiently and hoped that they would get picked.
Later, Miguel heard the silence as the last of the families left the patch. " Doreen, are you still there?".
" Yes". There was sadness in her voice. " They did not pick me".
" Alex, are you still there?".
" Yes I'm still here". There was silence. " I was not picked either".
" What's wrong with me?" Doreen asked loudly. " I'm a good looking pumpkin".
" I don't know" Alex replied with a sigh.
" I'm scared" Miguel exclaimed. " What will happen to us if we are not picked?".
" Don't worry" Doreen said in a reassuring voice. " God knows we are here".
Miguel sighed. " I sure hope you are right".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mary the mother of Jesus page 2

Mary the mother of Jesus page 2 by ric Gustafson

It was hard to explain to my mother that I was with child. She did not believe me. She told me if
I was not with my betrothed, I would be shaming the family. I knew what happened to unmarried women who were with child. They were humiliated and then stoned.
That night, I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and walked outside to our garden. I poured out my heart to Jehovah. He gave me the answer.
The next morning, I asked my mother if I could visit my cousin Elizabeth. She agreed right away. On the morning after Sabbath, my brother Asher and I started out for Judah.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Butterball Turkey fitness class

the Butterball Turkey fitness class by ric Gustafson

Anita Cobb quietly waited by the front desk. She smiled when she noticed a young woman walking through the front door. She was carrying a blue workout bag.
She shook Anita's hand. " Hi, I'm Pamela Cross".
" Anita" was her reply.
They walked down the two flights of steps. " We're glad you are here to teach the class at the last moment".
" I'm not sure what the class is". They reached the end of the stairs. " But here I am".
They walked up to a fitness classroom. Pamela looked in. She did not see anyone except for six loud gobbling turkeys. " Where's the fitness class?". She looked at Anita. " I only see turkeys".
The turkeys gobbled louder.
" Butterball has a mystery on their hands".
" What is that?".
" These turkeys have not gotten plump enough for Thanksgiving".
" You mean skinny turkeys".
" Keep your voice down".
The turkeys gobbled louder.
" They are very self conscious".
" Great no turkey for Thanksgiving". She walked upstairs to change. When she returned, Anita had an angry look on her face.
" Thanks to you, a turkey came in disguise and rescued them all".
Pamela could not believe what she was hearing.
" Butterball is not going to be happy".
As Pamela walked outside to leave, she could hear a gobbling noise coming from a nearby bush.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 28, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 3

down at the Witches Brew page 3 by ric Gustafson

Miss Mabel bent down and picked up the stack of tarot cards. She had been trying to put them into a tarot spread. She was trying to impress the customer who was sitting across from her. She was frustrated because each time she tried to put the cards into a spread, they fell onto the floor.
She heard the phone ring. She picked it up. " Witches Brew this is Miss Mabel". " Hi Martin". She stared at her new customer. " I've been waiting for you to show you my tarot spread".
" You're not coming". She frowned. " Why is that?. She noticed that her customer was wearing all white. " A turkey" she cackled. " Are you sure you are not coming?". She frowned again. " Ok".
" Can you believe it" she loudly cackled. " He wanted to check out that a turkey was spotted on Main Street near the YMCA".
She frowned at the customer. " I almost had him".
Jesus shook his head as the tarot cards fell again onto the floor. " You can't have him".
Just then, she recognized the voice. " Nazarene".
Jesus put his scarred hands on the edge of the booth. " He's confused but he believes in me".
Miss Mabel shook her head. " " I should of realized it was you when I could not shuffle my cards".
Jesus stared at her. " Do not tempt him any longer with your sorcery".
She shook her black hair. " Suit yourself". She heard the bell ring. " There will always be someone else". She stood up and began to walk toward the door. She turned to see that the Nazarene was gone.
She noticed a young woman in the doorway. She gave a loud cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 27, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 2

down at the Witches Brew page 2 by ric Gustafson

Todd and Martin walked into the doorway. They felt cob webs against their faces.
Todd felt something against his left leg. He looked down. " A black cat" he yelled.
" Felix" replied an older woman who walked up to them. She picked up the coal black cat. She was dressed totally in black like a witch. " Sorry about that". She gave a slight cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew". She studied their faces. " What can I do for you?".
" We're lost" Martin replied as he looked around at the spooky décor. " We're looking for Ridgewood Avenue".
" I'm not sure where that is". She cackled again as the black cat scurried into a corner. " You boys look like you are hungry". She pointed toward an empty booth. " You can be my last customers today".
Both boys reluctantly sat down.
She picked up two menus. She blew the cobwebs off of them and then put them into their scared hands. " I would recommend the eye of newt". She cackled.
Todd and Martin stared at each other in disbelief.
" The Ghoul Stew is good also".
Todd stood up. " No thanks". He ran out the door.
Martin grinned as he handed the menus back. " I guess we're not hungry after all".
" That's ok". She cackled again. " I also do tarot readings".
" I don't know what tarot cards are".
She cackled again. " Come back tomorrow and I will show you".
" Ok". He stood up. " I don't even know what street this is".
" This is Endor Lane".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 1

down at the Witches Brew page 1 by ric Gustafson

Todd Reed slowly walked off the bus. He stared down the dark street.
His friend Martin Gardner walked off the bus and now stood  by the bus bench. He looked around. He pointed. " I think we need to go this way".
Todd had a scared look on his face. " Are you sure this is the quickest way home?". He stared down the dark street. " This street looks spooky".
Martin pointed. " I think we should go this way".
" Ok".
They began to walk down the deserted street. Leaves were blowing against them. They walked toward the only building with their lights on. They stopped in front. A sign above the door read ' the Witches Brew Café and Tarot Readings".
Todd had a scared look on his face. " I have a bad feeling about this".
" It'll be ok".
They walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 6

3/30/1981 page 6 by ric Gustafson

It was March 7 1981. John Hinckley Jr had just gotten off a United Airlines flight from New York. He was upset because Jodie Foster had just rejected his romantic advances again. His father Jack Hinckley was waiting for him. His mother had stayed home. His father was frustrated because his son had quit a new job to fly to New York.
A plan with a psychologist was forged to try to help his son. They were going to give him until March 30th to find a job and find a new place to live. So far his son had not accomplished either one successfully. When his son landed at the airport, his father knew what he had to do. He gave his son two hundred dollars and told him that he was on his own from now on.
At the same time, President Ronald Reagan was visiting the Marine Corps Base at Quantico.
On March 25 1981, John Hinckley Jr boarded a flight for California. In his luggage was a RG-14 22 caliber Saturday Night Special.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1 by ric Gustafson

In my early memory is a garden. Whenever my mother went to this garden, I trailed behind her. I loved digging in the dirt and feeling the soil beneath my feet. I believe a garden is God's promise to us. I enjoyed working in a garden. I enjoyed the freshness of a new day. From a garden, I came to understand life, love and truth. I felt close to Lord God Jehovah there.
One day in my garden, an angel came to me. Why an angel would come to me, I do not know. I was not different from any other girl in my village. I had been promised in marriage to a friend of the family. His name was Joseph. I was surprised when the angel came. I dropped my basket of picked figs when the angel told me that I was blessed among women. Also the angel told me that I had found favor with the Lord. I was told by the angel that I would carry in my womb and give birth to God's own Son. I asked the angel how this could happen. The angel smiled and told me that nothing is impossible with God. That night, what the angel proclaimed to me happened in my young body.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 24, 2016

the Good Life: saved by mercy not merit

the Good Life: saved by mercy not merit by ric Gustafson

Do we get to heaven by doing good works?. The answer is no. No matter what we do or accomplish in this life in God's eyes it is not enough. So the question is how do we make it to heaven?.
The answer is I John 5: 6-13. God proclaims that if we simply believe in him, we can know that we will have eternal life. God gives us eternal life through his son Jesus. If we believe in the name of Jesus, God promises eternal life to us. If we believe in the name of Jesus, we are promised eternal life in heaven. Praise God for that promise.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric