Thursday, December 1, 2016

Grace: I once was lost but now am found

Grace: I once was lost but now am found by ric Gustafson

Jesus enjoyed telling stories or parables. Some of these stories were about the lost and found. There was a story of a shepherd looking for a lost sheep. Jesus told a story about a lost coin. His last story on this subject is well known as the story of the Prodigal Son. It is a well known story. One day, a son asked his father for his inheritance. It was given to him and he left for a distant land. He spent all of his money and was very hungry and desperate. He decided to come home. He came home and his father was happily waiting for him. A welcome home party happened. The older brother was very jealous. He received condemnation from his father. He was told that his long lost brother was lost and then was found. What joy.

research help: ' Captured by Grace' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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