Wednesday, December 14, 2016

a healing touch page 8

a healing touch page 8 by ric Gustafson

" I say love your enemies" he exclaimed loudly.
The crowd stared at him in silence.
" Do good to those who hate you".
' How can I love my enemies' I thought to myself.
" Bless those who hate you".
I could not believe what he was saying.
" Pray for those who hurt you".
' How can I pray for Calvus and Avigail' I pondered.
The next time I saw Jesus ministering to the crowd, some elders of a centurion asked for his help. He had a servant who was gravely ill and was about to die. They asked Jesus to come to their aid. The centurion did not need Jesus to come to his house. He simply asked Jesus to just say a word and then he would know that his servant would be saved. Jesus turned to the crowd and exclaimed that he had not seen such faith like this Roman's in all of Israel.
Later, I heard from the innkeeper that the centurion's servant was healed by Jesus at that very moment.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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