Thursday, October 27, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 2

down at the Witches Brew page 2 by ric Gustafson

Todd and Martin walked into the doorway. They felt cob webs against their faces.
Todd felt something against his left leg. He looked down. " A black cat" he yelled.
" Felix" replied an older woman who walked up to them. She picked up the coal black cat. She was dressed totally in black like a witch. " Sorry about that". She gave a slight cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew". She studied their faces. " What can I do for you?".
" We're lost" Martin replied as he looked around at the spooky décor. " We're looking for Ridgewood Avenue".
" I'm not sure where that is". She cackled again as the black cat scurried into a corner. " You boys look like you are hungry". She pointed toward an empty booth. " You can be my last customers today".
Both boys reluctantly sat down.
She picked up two menus. She blew the cobwebs off of them and then put them into their scared hands. " I would recommend the eye of newt". She cackled.
Todd and Martin stared at each other in disbelief.
" The Ghoul Stew is good also".
Todd stood up. " No thanks". He ran out the door.
Martin grinned as he handed the menus back. " I guess we're not hungry after all".
" That's ok". She cackled again. " I also do tarot readings".
" I don't know what tarot cards are".
She cackled again. " Come back tomorrow and I will show you".
" Ok". He stood up. " I don't even know what street this is".
" This is Endor Lane".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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