Friday, December 30, 2016

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee by ric Gustafson

When people visit the Sea of Galilee, they are surprised by how small it actually is. It is only 13 miles long north south and 7.5 miles wide east west. Thousands of years ago, Lisan Lake filled the entire Jordan Valley. Then it retreated leaving the Sea of Galilee in the middle between the Hula Swamp and the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is a freshwater inland lake not an actual sea.
Along the Sea in A.D 20 was the city of Tiberias. It was built by Herod Antipas in honor of Roman Emperor Tiberius. Jesus came to this area to minister to the local Jewish folk. He preached in Capernaum, Chorazin and Bethsaida. The main economy of the Sea of Galilee is fishing. Jesus found two of his early followers along these shores, Simon later called Peter and his brother Andrew. James and John were also fishermen there who joined Jesus's group of followers. From Tiberias you would travel to Magdala which was the home of Mary Magdalene. From there you would go north toward Tabgha where Jesus did the Sermon on the Mount. Then you would travel east to Bethsaida where Philip, Andrew and Peter were from. Then you would travel south along the shore to the land of Gadara. There Jesus encountered the madman.
I hope to visit this place some day.

The End

research help: ' Galilean Seafaring' by Shelley Wachsmann

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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