Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1 by ric Gustafson

In my early memory is a garden. Whenever my mother went to this garden, I trailed behind her. I loved digging in the dirt and feeling the soil beneath my feet. I believe a garden is God's promise to us. I enjoyed working in a garden. I enjoyed the freshness of a new day. From a garden, I came to understand life, love and truth. I felt close to Lord God Jehovah there.
One day in my garden, an angel came to me. Why an angel would come to me, I do not know. I was not different from any other girl in my village. I had been promised in marriage to a friend of the family. His name was Joseph. I was surprised when the angel came. I dropped my basket of picked figs when the angel told me that I was blessed among women. Also the angel told me that I had found favor with the Lord. I was told by the angel that I would carry in my womb and give birth to God's own Son. I asked the angel how this could happen. The angel smiled and told me that nothing is impossible with God. That night, what the angel proclaimed to me happened in my young body.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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