Sunday, December 11, 2016

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2 by ric Gustafson

David looked at the teenage girl at the register. Her nametag said Sunday on it. " Sunday, I would like three one dollar Mcdoubles and a medium orange". He looked at his wife. " Alice, what would you like?".
She gave him an annoyed stare. " The number one combo". She brought napkins and ketchup back to the table. She sat down.
" 272" Sunday exclaimed out loud. She handed David a tray with their food.
" Thanks Sunday".
He sat down and handed his wife a Big Mac and some fries. He put his cheeseburgers in front of him. He glanced at his watch. " It is now past twelve midnight". He smiled at his wife. " Merry Christmas Alice".
" How could you ever call tonight merry?".
" Sweetheart, things could be worse".
" Worse" she yelled out loud. She threw an empty ketchup packet into the bag. " May I remind you that our car has broken down, we do not know how to get to my parents house and our only cell phone is missing". She pointed a finger at her husband. " How much worse can it get?".
David took a bite out of one of his cheeseburgers. " Even with all those strikes against us". He smiled. " I'm going to be optimistic about everything".
" You can't be serious". She gave him a stern look. " Tonight has been a disaster".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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