Saturday, December 17, 2016

a healing touch page 10

a healing touch page 10 by ric Gustafson

Crouching behind Jesus, I touched the frayed edge of his cloak. I felt a strange heat rush through me. My bleeding stopped. I slowly got up onto my feet in a daze. I tried to leave before Jesus found out what had happened.
Just then, Jesus stopped. " Who touched me?".
I stopped.
One of Jesus's followers named Peter spoke up. " Master, people are crowding and pressing against you". He stared at his Master. " What do you mean who touched you?".
Jesus looked around. " Someone deliberately touched me".
He kept looking around the large crowd. " I felt healing power go out of me".
I began to tremble from fear. I realized that I could not hide from him. I fell down at his feet. " It was I Master". I could hardly breathe. " Forgive me". I told Jesus the whole story of being unclean for twelve years. I began to cry.
Jesus knelt down next to me. " Daughter, your faith has healed you". He smiled. " Go in peace".
I stood up. I would never be the same again.
Later, Ethan told me that Jairus's daughter was raised from the dead by Jesus.

The End

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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