Friday, December 23, 2016

POP the bell ringer page 2

POP the bell ringer page 2 by ric Gustafson

David was refilling the farmer's market. He noticed the bell ringer standing in produce trying to stay warm. " You can stay in here and stay warm as long as you want" David replied. He walked over to check the strawberries and grapes.
The young man smiled. " Thank you David".
" I was curious how you knew my name" he asked as he refilled the lemons and oranges.
The young man smiled. He shook David's hand. " My name is POP".
" POP?".
He smiled as he shook the hand of a customer. " It's short for Prince of Peace".
David refilled the limes. " I was curious about something".
" What is that David?".
" I was curious if standing out in the cold ringing that bell is worth it".
The young man smiled. " David, look around you".
He looked around.
" Look at the smiles of people who put coins into my kettle and then come in".
David nodded. " Why is that?".
" It is far better to give than to receive".
" Oh!".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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