Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Heaven: are we going or not?

Heaven: are we going or not? by ric Gustafson

So are we going to heaven or not?. According to Matthew 7: 13-14, we must enter through a narrow gate. Small is this gate, narrow is the road and few find it. People assume that they are going to heaven but the fact is that sin keeps us out. Sin separates us from a relationship with God. Because we are sinners, we cannot enter heaven. Before we can see God in heaven, something must change.
So how are we saved?. First, Jesus invites us to have him as our Savior. Some people respond to this invitation some do not. When we do invite Jesus into our life, we must confess and then repent our sins. Our confession establishes our forgiveness. We are saved through faith which is a gift of God.
Jesus Christ offers us forgiveness, salvation and eternal life. God gave us this chance by his Son Jesus dying on a cross for us.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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