Friday, December 30, 2016

Heaven: where God's people go

Heaven: where God's people go by ric Gustafson

When God's children pass away, they immediately go to a place called the intermediate heaven. It is our present heaven. This intermediate heaven is fully heaven and full of God's presence. But it is temporary and not our final destination . It is not the place where we will live forever.
Our final destination is the New Earth which will be resurrected and we will have resurrected bodies. Jesus will return to earth. We will be resurrected and walk on the earth again. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. And we will live with God forever. The intermediate heaven is a temporary dwelling place. It is a wonderful place but it is a stop on our way to the New Earth.
Father in heaven, I look forward to the intermediate heaven and then the New Earth.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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