Wednesday, November 23, 2016

the tangled vines page 6

the tangled vines page 6 by ric Gustafson

Mitchell Vine walked up to his wife as she put bread into the toaster. " Morning sweetheart".
" Morning". She yawned as she took orange juice out of the refrigerator. She filled three glasses. " You know that Jimmy's game is this afternoon".
" I sure do". He winked at his son. " In fact, I've cleared my schedule so I can go to it".
The doorbell rang.
" That's great Dad". Jimmy opened the front door. It was Mr Nates.
" Sorry to interrupt breakfast". He smiled. " I'm done pruning that tangled bush".
" That's great". She walked out of the room. She came back holding a check. " Here's the money we owe you".
Mitchell grinned. " Mr Nates, we owe you a ton of thanks".
" Why is that?".
He hugged Louise and Jimmy. " Mr Nates, since you've been here working on that bush, my relationship with my wife and son has greatly improved".
Louise smiled at Mr Nates. " My relationship with my husband has greatly improved".
Jimmy put his arms around his parents. " I'm going to be more open about my feelings".
Jack glanced at the check. He handed it back to Louise. " The great things that have happened to this family is payment enough".
" Are you sure Mr Nates?".
" Absolutely". He looked at his watch. " It's time for me to go to my next job".
Jesus hugged all three of them. He walked out to his truck. He drove off with a smile on his face.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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