Friday, December 16, 2016

a List from Schindler page 2

a List from Schindler page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oskar entered through some double doors into a dining room. Two brothers were playing music. Henry Rosner was playing the violin and his brother Leo was playing an accordion. Amon Goeth had demanded that they take off their camp clothes and put on evening clothes.
At Amon's table was Julian Scherner who was head of the Cracow SS, Rolf Czurda who was in charge of the Cracow SD and five others. The only person that Oskar really liked was Julius Madritsch who ran the uniform factory in the camp. To the SS men, Oskar was a Sudeten German and they viewed him as different.
As the Rosner's played Strauss melodies, Oskar was introduced to four lovely ladies. Oskar knew that they were Cracow working girls. Before dinner, the talk was of the war. Herr Bosch talked to Oskar and inquired how his factory, Deutsche Emailwaren Fabrik was doing. Poles and Jews called the factory Emalia.
At dinner, Oskar noticed a servant girl serving them. Amon introduced her as Lena. She went back to the kitchen. Later, after dinner was over and Amon had left with one of the women. Oskar quietly headed toward the kitchen where Lena had gone.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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