Thursday, November 24, 2016

a healing touch page 1

a healing touch page 1 by ric Gustafson

My name is Elianna. Twelve months ago I started bleeding. Sometimes it would stop but then it would start again. According to the Law, seven uninterrupted days must pass before one could be considered clean once again. I rarely left the house because the pain was so bad.
I have seen three physicians already. No one is sure what to do with me. Anytime I get up from a couch, I consider it unclean. For a whole year, this bleeding sickness has plagued me. The third doctor I saw gave me a concoction that made me vomit for three days. One doctor named Sira instructed me to stand at an intersection of two small roads. After seeing so many doctors, I began to wonder if I was ever going to be healed of this bleeding.

research help: ' Land of Silence' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Thanksgiving. Love Ric

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