Wednesday, December 21, 2016

a List from Schindler page 4

a List from Schindler page 4 by ric Gustafson

Young Oskar Schindler loved motorcycles. He owned a 500cc Galloni and a 250cc Moto Guzzi. He enjoyed being in motorcycle races. Oskar met his future wife Emilie at a party in Zwittau. She was from the nearby village of Alt Molstein and was visiting friends. When they married, Oskar paid a large dowry of a half a million reichmarks.
After they were married, they moves into an apartment in Zwittau. Bad news struck when Oskar's parents went bankrupt and his father Hans left his mother Louisa. When his mother passed away, Oskar was a member of the Sudenten German Party. In 1938, Oskar was approached by Admiral Canaris to join the Foreign Section of the Abwehr.
One night in Cracow, Oskar Schindler met Itzhak Stern. Oskar was interested in starting a new business in Cracow and asked Stern for suggestions. The two men talked about textiles, garments, cabinetmaking and metalwork. Oskar asked Stern about a bankrupt company called Rekord. He did. It was bankrupt and made enamelware. The company made mess kits and field kitchenware for the German army. Oskar asked Stern about his Jewish faith. He was interested in that.

research help: ' Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally

Peace and God's blessings. Happy Holidays. Love Ric

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