Monday, July 13, 2020

the return of Henry page 1

the return of Henry page 1 by ric gustafson

Amanda yawned as she walked up to the register. She turned the key and put in the drawer. She turned on the aisle light. Her friend Georgia was working in aisle 4.
Amanda yawned as her first customer walked up.
Later, Georgia walked over.
" Why so tired?".
" I only got a couple hours of sleep last night". She started checking out a customer. " Our church high school group was at camp all weekend".
" You really did embrace that Christian stuff didn't you".
" Henry who worked here". Her voice hesitated. " He is the reason I became one".
" I know". She walked back to her register. " Sometimes I miss that old man".
" I regret how I treated him when he worked here". A tear came to Amanda's eye. " I can't bring him back".
Georgia frowned. " We'll talk at lunch".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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